Power of a Woman in the Bible

In this devotional, we’ll discover the Power of a Woman in the Bible. Even though these thirty-one strong women of faith lived many years ago, their stories still encourage us to live for Jesus today.

We all need strong women in our lives. They teach us how to be the woman God created us to be. And they keep us on track when life gets in the way.

The strong woman who shaped my life the most was my mother. She was independent, career-minded, and strong-willed. But she was also loving, kind, and always ready to help someone in need. Most of all, she was a Christian leader and Bible teacher at church and in our home. She loved Jesus more than anything and taught me to do the same.

For some reason, there seems to be a lot of controversy about women holding positions of power in the Church. But the Bible is full of strong, faithful women who God used to do amazing things for His Kingdom.

When we read Biblical history, we see how women are pivotal figures and role models of strength, wisdom, and unwavering faith. Through their various roles, from the compassionate care of the Mother Mary to the courageous leadership of Deborah, the only female judge, these remarkable women demonstrate their indispensable impact on God’s plan unfolding in the world. They serve as examples of empowerment, guiding us toward a deeper connection with the Holy Spirit. As we explore the stories of these 31 strong women of the faith, we’ll uncover the incredible power and importance of a woman’s heart when it’s aligned with the Word of God.

The Creation of Women

There’s a lot of talk about gender equality these days. But in God’s divinely inspired plan, gender equality was never a question. He created both men and women in His image and we’re all equal in God’s eyes. Every woman is a reflection of God’s own heart. He loves us deeply and we’re incredibly valuable to Him.

This foundation sets a precedent for the important role of women, both on earth and in heaven, highlighting our God-given power and the pivotal role we play in God’s purpose.

The companionship and mutual support between men and women was by God’s design. This truth is anchored in scripture, but the creation of women wasn’t just to hold the fabric of society together, but to establish a balance where men and women jointly reflect God’s image, fulfilling their God-given roles with grace and strength.


Made in God’s Image 

In the story of creation, we uncover a profound truth: we’re made in God’s image. This beautiful blueprint gives women, an inherent worth and a purpose deeply rooted in the heart of our Loving Creator. When we reflect on this, we can see the powerful role women hold, crafted just for us by our Heavenly Father’s hands, to mirror His love, strength, and wisdom in every part of our lives. It’s a reminder that in every woman there’s an amazing God-given power that reflects God’s very essence, calling us to embrace our role in His plan with the grace and courage as only a woman can.

Eve: The First Woman

By God’s beautiful design, Eve, the first woman, was created in the image of God for a wonderful purpose. She was crafted from Adam’s rib and the Holy Spirit breathed life into her.

She’s a testament to God’s wisdom. As the mother of all people, her story is a cornerstone of our faith, teaching us the strength found in partnership and the grace of redemption, even in the face of adversity. Her journey alongside Adam, from the Garden of Eden to the challenges beyond, underscores the vital role women have always played in God’s plan.

Old Testament Women of the Faith

In the Old Testament, we find many women of unwavering faith and resilience. Their stories offer us an amazing look at how powerful, faithful women navigate the complexities of life with grace and strength.

From Sarah’s story of patience to Esther’s faithfulness, these women laid a foundational path for Godly living. They serve as enduring role models for us in the modern world by showcasing a woman’s strength and the incredible power entrusted to a woman of God. Their actions speak to us through God’s Word inspiring us to develop a deeper relationship with Him.

Sarah: Mother of Nations

At its heart, Sarah’s story is an example of hope and faith in the emptiness of doubt. As the mother of nations, Sarah’s endurance blossomed into a legacy, making her an enduring role model for Christian women when we face doubt and hopelessness. Her journey with God shows us the power of patience as we wait patiently for God’s promises to unfold in our own lives.

Rebekah: A Righteous Woman

Rebekah stands out for her wisdom and the pivotal role she played in God’s Kingdom. Her discernment in guiding her son Jacob altered the lineage of Israel forever, highlighting the incredible power and important role women hold throughout history. Rebekah’s story shows us how God can use our unwavering faith and discerning nature to change the lives of our families and those around us today.

Leah and Rachel: Wives of Jacob

The stories of Leah and Rachel show us the deep feelings of love and envy that can surround our closest relationships. Their lives remind us that God’s purposes are often worked out through the complexities of our connections and emotions, offering us lessons on the importance of faith and the power of grace in our own frailty.

Queen Esther: For Such a Time as This

In the face of adversity, Esther showed the incredible power of a woman guided by her faith. Her strategic wisdom and courage not only saved her people but established her as a crucial warrior of the faith. Queen Esther’s divine appointment from God, showcases the essential role of godly women in fulfilling His sovereign plans both then and now. Let the book of Esther encourage you to have courage and follow God’s plan for you, even when it seems difficult.

Deborah: The Only Woman Judge

In the book of Judges, Deborah, the only female judge, stands out as a powerful woman whose leadership and prophetic gifts guided the people of Israel through a difficult but vital moment in Biblical history. Her steadfast faith and willingness to step up in spite of adversity galvanized a nation, exemplifying the incredible power entrusted in a godly woman. Deborah’s story shows us how God uses strong, faithful women in crucial roles, inspiring us to embrace our own circle of influence with courage, wisdom, and faith in God.

Rahab: A Heroic Ancestor of Jesus

Rahab’s act of faith not only saved her family but also secured her place in the lineage of Christ Jesus. Her story of redemption and courage, highlights her important role in Christian history, demonstrating the incredible power of a faithful woman when we step out in faith and risk everything for the Kingdom of God.


Miriam: A Prophetess

Exodus introduces us to Miriam, Aaron’s sister, where she emerges as a powerful woman of faith. A prophetess in her own right, her leadership and contributions significantly shaped the journey of God’s people out of Egypt. With a song of triumph at the Red Sea, she showed us what true faith and trust in God look like. And her actions remind us of the strength and spirit gifted to women by the Lord.

Ruth and Naomi: Faithful and Loyal

The book of Ruth introduces us to this strong woman and her mother-in-law, Naomi. Their story illustrates the faithful loyalty between relatives. They shared a special bond that was strengthened by adversity and showed us the loving care God has for His people. Ruth’s dedication to Naomi and her people ultimately positions her as a pivotal figure, marking her as an ancestor of King David, a lineage blessed by God. Let their story inspire you to hold the older women in your life close, learning from their experiences and remaining faithful even when all seems lost.


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More Powerful Women from the Old Testament

There are still more great women of the Bible we can learn from, like Abigail, Hannah, and Jochebed. Their stories of devotion to God teach us about the incredible power and unshakable faith required to face hard times with grace and wisdom. They remind us that women’s strength can have a huge impact within our sphere of influence, demonstrating Godly virtue and perseverance.


Abigail: An Honorable Wife

Despite challenging circumstances, Abigail demonstrated incredible power and wisdom as a true woman of God. She navigated a dangerous situation with King David, using her godly discernment and a peacemaker’s heart. Her actions speak volumes, teaching us the importance of bravery and intelligent diplomacy. Abigail stands out as a vital role model for Christian women today, embodying a wife of noble character who acts with the good of her people in mind.

Hannah: Mother of Samuel

Hannah, in the depths of her anguish, turned to God’s Word with heartfelt prayers, yearning for a child. In her vulnerability, she shows us the power of prayer, and how in the presence of the Lord God, there’s hope and renewal. Remarkably, the Heavenly Father heard her cries and gave Hannah the incredible joy of becoming the mother of Samuel, who himself is an important person in the Bible. Her story illustrates that our faith and devotion as Godly women can have a positive effect on the world around us.

Jochebed: Mother of Moses

Facing peril, Jochebed’s trust in God was her fortress. As the mother of Moses, she faced an agonizing decision no parent should ever have to make. Yet, her bold faith and courage set into motion a divine plan far beyond her understanding. Her actions not only saved her son but also shaped the future of God’s people, making her a towering figure of strength and faithfulness in the face of imminent danger.

Pharaoh’s Daughter: Adoptive Mother of Moses

In God’s plan for the Israelites’ deliverance, Pharaoh’s Daughter plays an essential role, her compassion blooming in defiance of her father’s decree. By adopting Moses, she unknowingly nurtures a future leader, her actions becoming the cornerstone of a story that still inspires us all these years later. Her maternal care, extended beyond bloodlines, highlights the incredible power of God’s hand at work in our acts of kindness and faith.

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Powerful Women in the Bible

New Testament Women of the Faith

In the New Testament, we encounter many important women who played crucial roles in the foundation of early Christianity. These key figures of our faith, from Mary the Mother of Jesus, chosen by God to bring our Savior into the world, to Lydia, whose courageous hospitality supported the mission of the Apostle Paul, embodied the spirit of Godly womanhood. Their stories resonate with an immovable faith, strong leadership, and dedication to the Lord Jesus Christ, still inspiring Christian women today.

Mary, Mother of Jesus: Chosen

In the New Testament, the story of Mother Mary stands as a beacon of divine purpose and feminine strength. The angel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary that she was chosen by God to bring about the birth of Jesus Christ. She personifies dedicated faith and incredible power, not through lofty status, but in her humility and obedience to following God’s plan. Mary’s acceptance to carry Christ Jesus, despite the complexities it presented, makes her a crucial role model for godly women and a testament to the God-given role of women in fulfilling God’s Word. Her story teaches us that in the face of adversity, a woman’s heart fortified by faith in Jesus can truly change the world.

Elizabeth: Mother of John the Baptist

Elizabeth’s persistent faith during years of barrenness is an encouragement to us all. Chosen by God to bring our Savior’s forerunner into the world, she experienced the miracle of John the Baptist’s birth in her later years. Her story not only emphasizes the power of faith but also her central role in preparing the way for Christ Jesus and His ministry.

Lois and Eunice: A Legacy of Faith

Lois and Eunice’s legacy showcases the life-changing influence of a Godly heritage. It’s a testimony to the power of instilling belief in young children and guiding them as they grow confident in their faith. Their story is a vital reminder of the crucial roles played by women in nurturing faith and spiritual resilience among the next generation of believers. Let their example of godly stewardship help you to train the children in your life to follow God.

The Daughter of Jairus: Raised from the Dead

In the story of Jairus’ daughter, we encounter the compassion and power of Jesus. The moment He heard of her dire circumstances he recognized the urgency and responded swiftly, showing us not just the miracle of resurrection but the impact of steadfast faith and our Lord’s heartfelt empathy towards us in our deepest distress. Her story not only demonstrates the great power of Christ but also gives us a message of hope that outshines even the darkest situations.

Tabitha AKA Dorcas: Full of Good Works

In the early Christian community, Tabitha, also known as Dorcas, stood out for her full-hearted engagement in charitable acts, constantly ministering to the needy with a generosity that knew no limits. Her impact was so significant that when she died, Peter was moved by the testimonies of her good works and through the power of the Holy Spirit performed a miraculous resurrection. This act reinforces the immense value the early followers of Christ placed on compassion and service. And we can continue celebrating Tabitha’s life and benevolence by following her example of charity.

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Strong Women in the Ministry of Jesus Christ

During Jesus’ ministry, strong women like Mary Magdalene, Martha, and Mary, boldly stepped into the spotlight. These powerful women didn’t just witness history; they played an important part of Jesus’ mission here on earth. Through their tireless commitment and unrelenting belief, they showed us the incredible power of being a woman fully engaged in God’s work, teaching us by example how to contribute to the faith.

Mary Magdalene: Apostle to the Apostles

Mary Magdalene, known as the “Apostle to the Apostles,” holds a decisive role in Biblical history. Her abiding faith and closeness to Jesus Christ were crystallized when she was chosen to announce the resurrection, a moment that forever identified her as a powerful woman of God. Her leadership in spreading the Good News of Salvation signifies the incredible power and spiritual influence women hold in God’s kingdom.

Mary and Martha: Sisters of Lazarus

In the presence of Jesus, Mary, and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, showcased distinct yet harmonious expressions of faith. Mary, with her contemplative devotion, sat at Jesus’ feet, absorbed in His teachings. Martha, on the other hand, exhibited her faith through active service, ensuring the comfort and hospitality of their divine guest. Together, they symbolize the multifaceted nature of a Godly woman’s strength and devotion. Even now, we often ask, “Are you a Mary or a Martha?” The answer is clearly that we should emulate both of these faithful women.

Priscilla: Furthering the Gospel

Priscilla and her husband Aquila’s ministry shows us the importance of faith and dedication in a world that pushes back on our beliefs. Together, they forged a formidable partnership that furthered the Gospel with a determined commitment. Paul’s letters tell us that Priscilla’s role was not just supportive, she was a key leader and teacher in the early Church, guiding many people to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Her story is an example of the incredible power of a Godly woman’s influence in ministry then and now.

Lydia: Courageous Hospitality

In the New Testament Lydia is a symbol of courageous hospitality. After her transformative encounter with the Apostle Paul, Lydia didn’t hesitate to open her home, creating the first meeting place for believers in Europe. Her boldness wasn’t just about opening doors, it was a foundational act of faith, positioning her as a vital supporter of Paul’s mission. Lydia’s story is a blueprint for Godly women today, who, through their faith and actions, have the power to nurture the growth of God’s people.

Samaritan Woman at the Well

In their meeting by the well, Jesus broke significant social barriers by engaging with the Samaritan woman. This encounter wasn’t just a simple conversation; it was a profound theological exchange that broke down cultural restraints. Through this God-appointed discussion, Jesus revealed the living water, illustrating the deep connection we have with our Savior, and showcasing the crucial roles women have in spiritual dialogues in both ancient and modern times.

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Women in the Parables and Teachings of Jesus

Jesus often used parables to reveal deep spiritual truths, often casting women in critical roles within His stories. This choice was not a coincidence. Jesus’ teachings highlight the significant influence and undeniable strength and wisdom of faithful women. Through accounts like the Persistent Widow and the Ten Virgins, Jesus emphasized the essential nature of perseverance, faith, and the active pursuit of righteousness. These stories, rich with spiritual insight, accentuate the ethical living and unfaltering faith shown by the women within them, serving as timeless examples for us all.

Parable of the Lost Coin

This parable, more than a tale of physical search, unravels the depth of God’s commitment to reclaiming us, revealing the immense worth and love He has for each person. It’s a reflection of His boundless grace and mercy. The woman’s diligence in searching for the lost coin is a powerful metaphor for God’s relentless pursuit and joy in reclaiming a lost spirit.

Parable of the Persistent Widow

In the parable of the persistent widow, we encounter a powerful woman who, in the face of adversity, shows relentless faith and the extraordinary power of persistence. Jesus uses her story to illustrate how crucial it is to never give up, teaching us the importance of being tenacious in our prayers and our faith walk. He commends her for her great strength and perseverance, encouraging us to have the same persistence she demonstrated. This parable urges us to approach our Heavenly Father with boldness and confidence, no matter the circumstances we face.

Parable of the Ten Virgins

This story underscores the importance of being prepared for God’s calling, encouraging us to live in a state of readiness and showing us the urgency of wisdom in our daily walk with Jesus. It’s a touching reminder of the phenomenal power of vigilance. The parable of the ten virgins inspires us to always be prepared for the arrival of our bridegroom, showing us how to be a wise woman of faith.

The Widow’s Mites

In the parable of the Widow’s Mites, we uncover the truth of sacrificial giving that goes beyond dollar signs. It’s a riveting tale that stresses how in the eyes of God, the spiritual posture that we give our offering holds more weight than the monetary value of our gifts. This story vividly illustrates that a woman’s heart, filled with devotion and sacrifice, receives high praise from Jesus Himself. This story of the widow, with her modest donation and boundless faithfulness, teaches us that true riches are measured not by our wealth, but by the depth of our trust and the sincerity of our offerings to our Heavenly Father.

Inspired Everyday Collection Devotionals for Women

Importance of Being a Strong Woman of Faith

Each of the important Biblical women we’ve read about shows us that faith bridges generations, lighting the way for those who come next. They champion resilience, hope, and unwavering belief. Now it’s our turn to be a strong woman of faith and shine the light of Jesus into the world. Inspired by the faithfulness of each of these powerful women, let’s look at some ways we can continue to follow their example of living our faith.

The Role of Women in the Family

In family life, women have always held critical roles, gracefully balancing tradition with evolving expectations, and creating loving homes where their spiritual leadership is on display. The most important thing we can do as powerful women of God is to influence our own husbands and children to follow Jesus. This is our God-given position in the family, and our greatest blessing is to see our loved ones living within God’s will.

The Role of Women in the Church

In the church, women fulfill essential positions, from pioneering leadership roles to nurturing young women, highlighting our unique strengths in ministry. While our first priority is to influence our family, let’s not ignore God’s call on our lives within the Church. There are so many places where we can serve! So, many it may feel mind-boggling. But God has just the right thing in mind for you. Pray for His guidance and listen closely for His answer, knowing He’ll lead you to your perfect role.

How to Be a Christian Role Model and Leader

Here’s a short list of ways you can embrace being a Christian role model and leader.

  1. 1. Welcome the idea of showing the Lord’s goodness through acts of service.
  2. 2. Demonstrate the unwavering faith and resilience taught by the great women of the Bible.
  3. 3. Continue growing your faith through Bible study and prayer, deepening your connection with Jesus.
  4. 4. Let the peace of God fill your heart and guide you through the tough times.

I truly hope the stories of these Powerful Women in the Bible have inspired you to become a strong woman of faith today!

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