About & Contact Information for Master’s Hand Collection
Master’s Hand Collection is a series of Christian artwork that depicts God’s hand at work in our lives. Each picture features an inspirational word spelled out in American Sign Language with a corresponding Bible verse.
The artwork was created for every Christian who is looking for encouragement and inspiration in their walk with Jesus. If you need a little pick me up, then this art was made just for you. Our hope is found only in Jesus! And He is my inspiration and muse. Each piece that I create is meant to lead you directly to Him.
The blog was started in 2016 to give us the chance to delve deeper into the Scriptures and to understand all that God has to say to us in His Word. My prayer is that you will find clarity and truth and that you to grow closer to Jesus as we study the Bible together each week.
For more information contact Connie at one of the links below.
email: connie@mastershandcollection.com
Twitter: @mastershandcoll
FB: www.facebook.com/mastershandcollection
The Story of Master’s Hand Collection
Jesus, He is the Name Above All Names, my Savior, Redeemer, and Friend.
Hi! I’m Connie Rowland, the artist and blogger behind Master’s Hand Collection. I grew up in a Bible believing, Bible teaching church. That’s where I learned about the love of Jesus, and where I was “saved.
My church had many outreach programs including a wonderful deaf ministry. Each Sunday, I would watch the interpreters sign. Even though I didn’t learn to sign myself, I was fascinated and intrigued. I loved everything about the unique communication of sign language. Little did I know, God had started the wheels turning on what would one day become my life’s work.
As a child, I was always interested in art. I would doodle in sketchbooks, paint watercolors and make chalk drawings. During my teenage years, I discovered photography and began writing short stories. I had a real passion for art and writing, but I couldn’t see how the pieces all fit together.
When I was thirteen, God called me to be a missionary. At the time, I thought missionaries went to China or Africa like the women I was taught about at church. And although I fully appreciate the work of these amazing people and completely support their efforts, I just didn’t think that was what God had in store for me. But deep down I knew God would reveal His plan for my life at the right time.
Years went by and I pursued other things, but my love of art and writing were still on my mind. I began to feel God calling me to create artwork that would show my fascination with sign language. Slowly, the art of Master’s Hand Collection materialized in my mind and on the computer screen.
Soon after, I discovered a startling statistic, only two percent of deaf people have “heard” the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ! I was shocked by that number! I guess I had taken it for granted that I had grown up in a church with a deaf ministry and I thought there were deaf interpreters in churches everywhere.
That’s when God put all of the puzzle pieces together. In a flash, His plan for my life went from a blurry vision to a real and defined purpose. God’s call on my life was clear… my interest in signing was now a mission field. And the mission was simple, Seeing God’s Hand Through the Art of Sign Language.
It is truly amazing to see the hand of God at work! He placed me in a church so many years ago where I developed a love for the language He knew I would one day incorporate into my art. He gave me a passion for art and writing that I never fully understood until He showed me how to use them for His kingdom. And He gave me parents who taught me the Bible and instilled in me a love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, it is amazing to see…God has had a plan all along.
But God doesn’t just have a plan for my life, He has a plan for yours too! And this artwork is not meant only for the deaf or for those who are not saved.
It is meant for you! God wants you to see His hand at work in your life! He wants to surround you with His love and give you hope for the future. And He wants to have a closer and more meaningful relationship with you.
My “mission” may not fit into the box of what a typical missionary does. And it may not take me to faraway lands, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve God in a unique and creative way.
I truly hope that this artwork will encourage you in your walk with Jesus and remind you of His goodness and continuing grace in your life every day.
If you would like to join me for the mission, I would love to have you come along for the incredible journey God has in store for us.
Here are some ways you can join in…
#1 Pray
Prayer is our greatest resource and our direct line to the One true God. Please pray for those who are not yet saved, that they would know the love and saving grace of Jesus. And that their lives would be transformed by Him.
#2 Purchase Products from Master’s Hand Collection
Any time you purchase artwork, books, and other products by Master’s Hand Collection you can be confident that ten percent of profits will be donated to deaf charities who are working hard to bring the gospel of Jesus to the deaf community. The more money we raise, the more lives that will be touched by the power of God’s Word. Together, we will turn that shocking two percent number into one hundred percent.
#3 Donate to Charities who serve the Deaf Community.
There are many amazing charities who are currently working to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to deaf people around the world. Please support them by donating your time or money. Get involved. They will appreciate it more than you know.
In parting, please remember, All the glory belongs to Jesus, Name Above All Names! May He bless you greatly!
Many blessings,
If you are not a Christian and would like to know more about accepting Jesus as your Savior, please click on the “Accepting Jesus” tab at the top of this page. You will find the answers to many of your questions there.
Mission Statement of Master’s Hand Collection
Spread the Gospel and show the love and saving grace of Jesus.
Encourage believers to have a closer daily walk with Christ.
Create quality products that reflect the values of a Christian life.