Learning to have faith in hard times is one of the most important lessons in any Christian’s life. In this 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Devotional, we’ll uncover the meaning of this uplifting verse and find encouragement for those moments when the pressures of life feel overwhelming. The Apostle Paul wrote these words to the Corinthian church, reminding them, and us, that even in the darkest moments, we’re securely held by the power of God.
How do you keep your faith in hard times?
Some days are hard to get through, and I’ve had quite a few of those days lately. We all face tough times, and trials of life that come in many different ways. Maybe it’s the little things that add up and drive us crazy. Or maybe we are facing much bigger problems in life. Either way, we can take comfort in God’s promises. He is faithful! And He has already given us every tool we need to have faith in hard times. The love of God and the glory of Christ anchor us to our faith when we feel like we’re drifting away. And the truth of the Holy Bible assures us that God’s great power is at work even in our weakness. We may feel like fragile clay jars, but we’re filled with the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ Jesus, fully equipped to persevere no matter what comes our way.
What is the Meaning of 2 Corinthians 4:8-9?
God has continued to place this verse from 2 Corinthians 4 in front of me over the past few months. I have been facing a rather large trial in my life and the words the Apostle Paul wrote, speak volumes to me, and I know they will to you too.
Let’s start this devotion by reading this encouraging scripture together…
We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed-
The Apostle Paul uses vivid imagery to describe the Christian life and the challenges we experience. Each situation he describes in this Bible verse will affect us all at some point. However, God’s surpassing power gives us the strength to keep pressing on despite the hardships. So, let’s break down this verse and explore how we can have faith in hard times.
Breaking Down 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
1. Hard-Pressed But Not Crushed
When I think of being hard-pressed, I imagine being in a trash compactor. The walls are closing in on me, and I feel the weight of life pressing down until I’m about to be crushed into a small little box. It’s a feeling of being trapped and powerless.
Hardships will come in life, but with God’s help, we can face them. We may be hard-pressed, but He will not allow us to be trapped or crushed by life’s troubles. 2 Corinthians 4:7 reminds us that
we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
2 Corinthians 4:7 NIV
In the ancient world, clay pots were common and incredibly fragile. They could break under pressure but were used to store valuable items. In the same way, we’re earthen vessels, weak and vulnerable, yet chosen by our Heavenly Father to carry the light of the knowledge of the glory of God. This truth reminds us that the power of God, not our own power, sustains us through the trials of life. Though we may feel fragile, God’s great strength ensures we’re never destroyed.
2. Perplexed But Not in Despair
Have you ever felt so overwhelmed that you just didn’t know what to do next?
We’ve all been there. Life can be so complicated and confusing. There are countless things demanding our attention each day. Sometimes it feels like there’s no way out or like we’re wandering around in darkness.
We face grief, loss, and unexpected challenges. The book of Psalms encourages us with this beautiful promise…
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit.
Psalm 34:17-18
The life of Jesus Christ also teaches us this truth. When He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:39), He was overwhelmed by the weight of what lay ahead, but He surrendered to God’s will and trusted in His plan.
Even when our own power fails us, the spirit of God gives us hope and clarity. In the darkness, His glorious light shines brightest. Whatever your circumstances, I pray you’ll be encouraged, because you have a Heavenly Father who loves you. You don’t have to be in despair, because God is in control, and you can rely on Him to see you through.
3. Persecuted But Not Forsaken
The longer we live the Christian life, the more we understand there are many different ways to be persecuted. It can mean that someone is trying to physically hurt you, verbally attacking you, or rejecting you socially. Sometimes it’s just a general feeling that people don’t like you because of your beliefs, and other times, it’s up in your face.
I’ve experienced all of these kinds of persecution, sometimes even from people I’m close to. I have been questioned about my faith in Jesus Christ many times over, and occasionally I’ve had someone yell and scream at me.
There’s nothing wrong with questions, they’re a great way to open up a conversation about Jesus. However, when that discussion turns ugly, it can be a daunting task to keep it together and not lash out. During these times, I try to remember that I’m in good company. The Bible tells us that every Christian will face persecution. But the great news is that Jesus promised…
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5 NKJV
While the message of the Gospel can provoke hostility in some people, we can have complete confidence that the love of God and the Holy Spirit will strengthen us to endure. And we can hold tight to His promise to never leave us or abandon us!
4. Struck Down But Not Destroyed
Life is really hard! Sometimes things don’t work out the way we planned, and reality smacks us right in the face. When an emergency pops up or our best-laid plans fall apart, it’s easy to feel like we’ve been struck down. But it’s just a setback — we’re knocked down, not knocked out. Because our Great God is there to pick us up, dust us off, and send us back out into the world again. We haven’t been defeated or destroyed; we’ve become stronger.
The Apostle Paul understood this firsthand. He saw suffering as a way to reflect the dying of Jesus so that the life of Christ could be revealed in him. Later in 2 Corinthians 4, he tells us…
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever.
2 Corinthians 4:17 New Living Translation
This verse reminds us that our struggles, no matter how intense, are temporary compared to the eternal glory God has in store. The great power of God lifts us up, renewing our strength and helping us endure for the sake of Christ.
Trusting God in Hard Times
It’s kind of wild how life spins us around. One moment we’re up and flying high, and the next we’re down in the depths of despair. I’ve had my fair share of hard times, and felt hard pressed, perplexed, persecuted, and struck down.
There were moments when despair almost consumed me. When my mom passed away after a long battle with cancer, the long years I lived in California away from family and friends, and the extreme anxiety disorder that has taken over large parts of my life, these hard times are just a few of the challenges that left me feeling hopeless and lost.
But God’s strength carried me through each trial. He didn’t forget me or leave me to face them alone. Instead, He surrounded me with His love and fulfilled His promise to be with me every step of the way. I’m so grateful God has continued to put this verse in front of me over and over again. Because every time I read it, I’m reminded that God’s surpassing power is always at work within me, giving me the courage to face the trials of life with unwavering faith.
In the following verse, we learn that trusting God even when we’re afraid, gives us peace knowing that His protection is greater than any challenge we face.
When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise
in God I trust and am not afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
This verse reminds us that even in our most fearful moments, we can trust in God’s steadfast love and protection. His Word gives us confidence that no matter what happens, we’re safe in His care. Trusting God turns fear into courage and despair into hope, helping us face life’s challenges with faith.
Read More:
Discover the key to Standing Firm in the Faith in this Devotional!
Explore the Glory of God in this inspiring Bible Study!
These Bible Verses about Hope are Essential for Christian Life!
The Life of Jesus is Our Example
To truly understand faith in hard times, we need to look at Jesus’ life as an example. He faced rejection, suffering, and death on the cross. Yet, through His death and resurrection, He gave us the promise of eternal life. Jesus’ unwavering faith in the Heavenly Father shows us the ultimate sense of trust and surrender. The glory of God was revealed through His suffering, giving us hope that our own trials have meaning.
In Hebrews, we’re encouraged to…
fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2 NIV
This verse shows us the many examples of endurance in Jesus’ life. He trusted God despite unimaginable suffering because He knew the glory of Christ would be revealed through it. His life teaches us that having true faith means trusting God’s promises, even when we face hardship. Because our struggles, while they’re difficult in the moment, lead to an eternal weight of glory (2 Corinthians 4:17) that far outweighs any challenge we face.
God’s Power at Work in Hard Times
The power of God is made perfect in our weakness. In ancient times, the Greek word for power, dynamis, described a strength that goes beyond human capability. As followers of Christ, we don’t need to rely on our own power, because we have the excellence of the power of God on our side! We can trust that His strength will always sustain us. When we feel weak, God’s great power fills us with courage.
In 2 Corinthians 12 we discover an amazing truth about God’s grace and power…
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
Paul didn’t just admit his weakness, he boasted in it. Imagine that… bragging about being weak and puny! It’s unheard of in our society. But when we admit our weaknesses, God’s power shines through. Our struggles become opportunities for God to show His strength. Just as Jesus relied on the spirit of God during His time on earth, we can depend on God’s power to carry us through the hard times. God’s strength has a way of turning our trials into testimonies of His love for other people to see, all for the glory of Christ.
Practical Ways to Keep Faith in Hard Times
It can be overwhelming to stand firm in the faith during hard times. But the good news is, God has given us the tools we need to stay strong. These practical steps help us rely on God’s strength and draw closer to Him when life is difficult. By incorporating these habits into our daily lives, we can experience the love of God and keep the faith in hard times.
- Pray Regularly: Stay connected with your Heavenly Father.
- Read the Holy Bible: Let God’s Word guide you.
- Seek Spiritual Companions: Find support in fellow Christians.
- Remember Past Victories: Reflect on how God has delivered you before.
God’s Hand in Hard Times
God’s hand is always at work in our lives, especially during the hard times. When we’re struggling just to make it through the day, His hand supports and strengthens us. Here’s God’s incredible promise for us when we don’t think we’re going to make it…
Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
Psalm 37:24 NIV
This verse paints a comforting picture of God’s hand keeping us steady, even when we stumble. It reminds us that no matter how fragile we feel, we won’t be completely defeated because He holds us up. He’s personally involved in our lives, ready to help us through every challenge.
Difficulties are sure to come our way, but His hand holds us firm and gives us the strength we need. Even if we can’t see it in the moment, we can trust that He’s guiding us. When the crisis passes and we look back on it, we’ll see how His hand carried us through and turned hardships into blessings. Through every trial, God’s hand keeps us from falling, bringing the glory of Christ into our lives, and shaping us to reflect His love and power. So, let your light shine as you lean on His hand for strength.
Holding On to God’s Promises
In 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, the Apostle Paul reminds us that no matter how hard life gets, God’s promises are still true. We may feel hard-pressed, confused, or struck down, but we’re never crushed, in despair, forsaken, or destroyed.
In Romans 8, Paul writes…
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
Romans 8:18 NIV
These words remind us that our struggles are temporary. The challenges we face today are nothing compared to the eternal glory God is preparing for us. Even if life feels overwhelming right now, hold on to God’s promise that He’s working everything out for your good, knowing that the glory of Christ will be revealed in you.
Don’t give up! Trust in God’s unshakable promises, because He’s with you, guiding you, and strengthening you. Let His promises ground you, as you face your trials head-on with unwavering faith, trusting that His glory will be revealed in His perfect timing.
Keeping Faith in God During Hard Times
Bad times come and go. But In this 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 Devotional, we’ve seen that learning how to keep the faith is the unshakable foundation we need in hard times. God wants to take all the pain and sadness we find along life’s path and turn it into something beautiful and lasting. With His love and encouragement on our side, we can find hope for tomorrow and strength for today!
When life’s challenges threaten to overwhelm you, remember these powerful words… you may feel hard-pressed, perplexed, persecuted, or struck down, but you’re never crushed, in despair, forsaken, or destroyed. God understands that life is hard, His hands are holding you steady, and His strength is carrying you through.
This is my prayer for you… whatever trial you’re facing right now, you’ll hold tightly to the truths in this inspiring scripture and take comfort in God’s promises. Have faith in hard times, and trust His power and love will give you the victory you’re longing for. God loves you, He is with you, and He will get you through this!
All you need is a little faith… God will do the rest.
Visiting from Faith on Fire link up. What a great verse to personaluze and take to heart! Thank you for sharing this. It was a great blessing to me. May His sweet blessings fill your day!
Hi Cheryl! I’m so glad this verse was a blessing to you. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Many blessings!
When a huge emergency pops up in our life, it’s easy to feel like we’ve been struck down. But we are only temporarily knocked down, not knocked out. God is there to pick us up, dust us off and send us back out into the world again. We haven’t been destroyed, we have become stronger.<—This is "tea for my heart" spiritually. I'm a tea drinking mom. I don't do coffee, but I love tea and some good reading to start that day! Glad I was your neighbor on the Holley linkup. I appreciate your faith filled words. So glad to be reading these today.
I, too, am going through a hard season. I feel so much more full when I count on Him and people who follow Him. May your Saturday and Sabbath bring you rest this weekend. I also like your FAITH sign language to end the post. I know a bit of ASL as I am a Speech Therapist. Love to you, Jenn
Hi Jenn! Thank you for the encouraging words. Saying a prayer for you today!
A very good word, Connie.
Thanks Rebecca! God bless!