When You Feel Lost Isaiah 43:18-19 Devotional

Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old.
Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.
                      Isaiah 43:18-19

Have you ever felt lost? I’m not talking about the I’m not a Christian kind of lost, but rather a feeling of floundering and not knowing what direction life is taking you. I’ve been there. I know what it feels like to be listless and longing for some direction. Maybe you have a vision of where you want to go, or maybe you’re looking for a little bit of inspiration. Either way, our feelings of being lost can’t stop God from getting us where He wants us to go.

Recently, I was feeling like I knew what direction I wanted my life to take, I just couldn’t see the path to get there. Even though I could see it clearly in my head, I couldn’t figure out the steps to make it happen. I was feeling hopeless, thinking that I would never get to that place. I was in need of some major encouragement! So, I turned to God’s Word and this verse from Isaiah jumped out at me. God was so good to show me His great promises within it.

Do not remember the former things,
Nor consider the things of old…

It’s okay for us to let go of the past. All of the failures and heartbreaks that we’ve experienced over the years can really bring us down. I fall into this trap a lot. I think about all of the things I’ve done wrong or failed at and I let it keep me from trying again. But God is saying to let it go and move forward.

Behold, I will do a new thing…

When we let go of the past, then God can do something new in our lives. He has a new plan just around the next corner for us. We can move forward knowing that God is in control and is about to make that new plan happen.

Now it shall spring forth…

This verse makes me think of a very charming town close to us here in Arkansas. Eureka Springs is only about forty- five minutes away and we love to visit there. It has some great antique shops and beautiful Victorian homes. But it was originally built so that people could bathe in the natural springs that flow up from the ground there. Nothing can stop these springs from flowing. They are a natural force that just happens. That’s the kind of force God is promising us. It will happen because He has made it so. Whatever it is that God has promised you, it will happen in His perfect timing. It will spring forth and flow.

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I will even make a road in the wilderness…

When you’re hiking or camping it’s much easier to follow the game trails. The tall weeds have already been knocked down, the thorns have been pushed to the side and the trails wind around the trees instead of into them. This is what God promises to do for us. He has already gone before us and blazed the trail, making it so much easier for us to follow His path.

And rivers in the desert…

I remember years ago, I was traveling with my dad through the Mohave Desert on our way to California. It was so hot that the car’s tires started to melt a little! I can’t even imagine what it would have been like if we had been walking instead of driving, especially without water. This is why God has promised to give us a river in the desert. When we lose hope and feel like we’ve lost our way, God offers to give us rest and restoration along the way. Then when we are refreshed we can continue the journey.

I pray that this verse from Isaiah will encourage you the same way that it has encouraged me. God is ready to do something new in your life! All you need to do is follow His path.

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