Spring is finally here! And if April showers bring May flowers, then we’re in for a beautiful show of pastel-colored blooms this year! Because outside my window, there is a downpour of rain, spring rain. It will wash away the remains of a long dark winter and usher in a new season. Flowers will begin to blossom and trees will start to bud. The birds will return soon and bring their song with them.

Yes, the grandeur of Spring is about to arrive on the earth. But what about in our hearts? Spring is a time for new beginnings for us too. And a perfect time to leave behind the past and move forward. This Bible Verse about spring rain is an invitation to ask for and receive an abundant outpouring of God’s love and faithfulness. It’s a reminder of God’s promise to care for us even in the toughest of times. If we ask, He will take the barren parts of our lives and turn them into a blossoming garden. So, whatever hurt or disappointment lingers in your heart, give it to God and let Him usher in a new season in your life today! Be blessed this Spring and always! 🙂

Ask rain from the Lord Zechariah 10:1 Devotional
7 Simple Ways to See God's Hand in Your Life by Master's Hand Collection

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