What Does Your Bible Look Like? Jeremiah 29:13

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.
                     Jeremiah 29:13

What does your Bible look like? Has it been used lately or has it been sitting unopened for a while? Is it worn and tattered from use? Or is it in “perfect” condition? My Bible was once in “perfect” condition. I thought that if I wrote in it or the pages were wrinkled I was being disrespectful to God’s word.  But that was before I understood what perfect really looks like. Now, my Bible may look a little worn and it’s stuffed with notes but I have a much better understanding of what God has to say to me. I’m not saying that I’m perfect or that I have all the answers. Trust me, I don’t.

What I do have is a better relationship with God. He wants to have a close and very personal relationship with all of us. But the only way we can have that, is to get in there, read His word, pray, seek His face and draw near to Him so that He will draw near to us. (James 4:8)

Sometimes it’s difficult for us to put aside the chaos of life and make time to spend with God. There are so many distractions that pop up in a day’s time. But like any relationship it takes work for it to flourish. The time we spend with God is an investment in our future. We need to have that closeness with Him in order for our lives to have meaning. And we need to study God’s word so that we will be prepared to share it with other people.

If, like me, you struggle to find the time to read your Bible every day, I want to encourage you. Yes, our time is precious but there is nothing more precious than our relationship with God. And there is nothing more important than growing our understanding of His word. The benefit we receive from our time with God is tremendous. You see, it’s not about what your Bible looks like, it’s about where your heart is. God promises us that if we search for Him with our whole heart, we will find Him. And that is what God wants from us, our whole heart.

So, even when time seems short I hope that you will join me in setting aside time to spend with a loving Father who truly desires to know you and to be known by you. And I pray that you will turn to God’s word and reap the reward of time well spent. Much love and peace to you on your journey!

Seek Me and Find Me Jeremiah 29:13

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