Revival in Our Country 2 Chronicles 7:14

In this 2 Chronicles 7:14 devotional, we’ll read the Bible verse our country needs the most right now. In it, God’s Word tells us three actions we must take if we want to experience a great revival in our country, and gives us three amazing promises from God that will turn everything we thought we knew on its head! So, let’s get into this Bible study about revival and discover what this life-changing scripture has to say to us.

I know many of us are praying for revival in our country. We feel that the United States is headed in the wrong direction and desperately want that to change. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s an election year or not, most of us fall into two categories. Either we’re fed up with Washington and all of the gridlock from both sides of the aisle, or we’ve become complacent and think that nothing will ever change no matter who’s in office. It leaves us wondering…Is there anything we can do? Can we get back to “one nation under God”? Let’s look at what God says we can do to turn our country around.

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land. 

2 Chronicles 7:14 New King James Version

What is the meaning of 2 Chronicles 7:14?

The secret to spiritual restoration and God’s blessings comes from 2 Chronicles 7:14. This inspirational verse outlines God’s requirements for the healing and blessing of His people. In it, God creates a new covenant between Himself and anyone who earnestly seeks His face and turns from their evil ways. Its timeless message of faith bridges the gap between the Old Testament followers of God and modern believers today. It’s a foundational scripture that helps us understand God’s unwavering promises to true believers. Whether we’re standing at the crossroads of personal hardships or looking at the desperate need for national revival, 2 Chronicles 7:14 gives us a clear path to experiencing God’s healing touch. It reminds us that our actions, combined with a heart of repentance and humility, will unlock God’s abundant blessings in our lives and land.

If My people who are called by My name

The first words of 2 Chronicles 7:14 are the most important, and I don’t want us to miss them. This verse is a powerful message directed at Christians! God isn’t talking to the world at large, He’s speaking only to those of us who are true believers. If we want to see real change in our country, it’s up to us, God’s children. We’re the ones who lead the way! For American Christians, this scripture couldn’t be more poignant as we feel the deep divide between our political parties more and more every day.

In the Bible, God makes both unconditional and conditional promises. This scripture is a “conditional” promise for God’s people. It says in order to receive His blessing, we must do three things. So, let’s look at this list of three actions we need to take to see revival in our country. Then, we’ll read about the three things God promises us in exchange.

Our Actions to Take

2 Chronicles 7:14 is an invitation from the One True God to His people, calling us back to a close relationship with Him and unity within the body of Christ. It gives us a clear roadmap to revival in our country and our hearts. Humbling oneself before God is the crucial first step. It’s an act of total surrender that acknowledges our need for Him above all else. It sets the foundation for the second call to action, praying and seeking His face, desiring the Lord’s presence over the distractions of the world. This hunger for God compels us to the third step, turning from our wicked ways, a sincere repentance that brings transformation and renewal into our lives. Together, these actions point us toward the promises of healing, forgiveness, and a restored relationship with God. So, let’s take a closer look at each action.

#1 Humble Themselves

In God’s kingdom, a humble heart isn’t just an admirable quality, it’s the bedrock of our faith and the way to receive God’s blessings. Our Savior displayed this kind of humility in the New Testament book of John, by washing His disciples’ feet. Through His humility, Jesus Christ set the standard for us. This act shows us that in the kingdom of God, greatness isn’t measured by how many serve us, but by how many we serve.

Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

John 13:3-5 New International Version

Likewise, King Solomon’s humble prayer at the dedication of the temple demonstrates how humility before God invites His overwhelming presence into our lives. After building the house of the Lord, Solomon united the people of Israel in worship and awe with a burnt offering. Let’s read about Solomon’s prayer and offering.

Furthermore Solomon consecrated the middle of the court that was in front of the house of the Lord; for there he offered burnt offerings and the fat of the peace offerings, because the bronze altar which Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt offerings, the grain offerings, and the fat.

2 Chronicles 7:7 NKJV

Then the Lord appeared to Solomon by night, and said to him: “I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice.

2 Chronicles 7:12 NKJV

Humility wasn’t just significant in ancient Israel or the early Church, it’s equally relevant today. For the modern-day believer, living humbly in a world that often equates success with self-promotion is a powerful testimony to the glory of God and the transformative work of the Holy Spirit within us.

However, humbling yourself is hard to do, and admitting that you’re wrong is equally difficult. But that’s what God is asking us to do. We need to recognize that our way of doing things doesn’t work and God’s way is always right. If we want to see real change in our country and lives we need to follow God’s plan.

Here’s a practical tip for showing humility: Before the day’s demands pull you in different directions, take a moment to acknowledge your dependence on God, recognizing that everything you have today is a gift from Him. Doing this every morning will keep you grounded in your faith and position you to receive the great blessings God has in store for you.

#2 Pray and Seek My Face

Prayer is a heartfelt conversation with our Heavenly Father that unlocks doors we didn’t even know were closed. To pray and seek His face is about experiencing the presence of God in our lives and creating an intimate relationship with Him. It’s amazing to know that the Creator of the universe wants to spend time with us each day and that He wants us to be close to Him!

Praying isn’t just about asking for stuff, it’s seeking God’s face and perfect will while listening for His answer. Because, how can we have a close relationship with someone we never spend time with or talk to, and how can we know God’s will if we don’t listen for His answer? Imagine how your faith would grow if you dedicated just a few moments each day to seeking God’s presence, drawing nearer to Him with every word He whispered into your heart. These precious times with God will allow you to see the world through His eyes, and your steps to be directed by His wisdom.

Here’s a practical tip for seeking the face of God: It begins with carving out specific times for prayer and meditating on God’s Word each day. Let the scriptures guide you into a deeper relationship with Him. As you humble your heart, you’ll find that seeking His face becomes more than just an act of faith, His presence will become a refuge of unmatched peace and renewal for you.

Take this journey with an open heart, trusting that as you draw closer to God, He is running towards you, arms wide open, ready to envelop you in His love. This is the path to true revival, a personal revival that brings you closer to the heart of God.

These Bible Verses about Humility will change your life!

#3 Turn from Their Wicked Ways

2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us that repentance of sins is the way to unlock God’s blessings. It’s bigger than admitting that we’ve made mistakes, it’s a complete, heartfelt turnaround. Turning from wicked ways demands a commitment to stop doing what distances us from God and actively pursue what’s right in His eyes. By pulling away from the darkness of the world and stepping into the glorious light of Christ Jesus we declare our personal commitment to following God’s will.

Our change in direction is a powerful testimony that can guide other people to the path of righteousness and compel them to reconsider their wicked ways. In this way, repentance becomes an active service in the Kingdom of God. When we turn away from our past indiscretions we begin to live fully in the glory of the Lord and the service of God.

As individual believers, we don’t have the power to change the direction of our country, but collectively we do. With the name of Jesus on our side, we have all of the power of heaven at our disposal! However, the secret to turning our country around is to turn our lives around. When we follow God’s will in our lives it will have a lasting impact on those around us, and in turn, they’ll do the same thing for the people around them. It’s the circle of life!

Here’s a practical tip for turning from your wicked ways: First admit that you’re not always right and you’ve made mistakes. Then, ask God to forgive you for the sins that have led you away from Him and His will. Finally, completely turn away from those past decisions and seek God’s way.

When we do these three things God will fulfill His promises to us. So, let’s look at His three promises now.

2 Chronicles 7 14 Wallpaper

God’s Promise To Us

When we fulfill our part of the conditional promise of God found in 2 Chronicles 7:14, our Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom and boundless love, offers us a new covenant that’s deeply personal. He assures us that when the children of God, humble themselves and seek His face, He will hear from heaven. It’s a reminder that our prayers are heard by our loving Father.

But His promises don’t end with just listening. Our Great God, says He will forgive their sins, offering us a fresh start, and a clean slate. And also promises His children hope, committing to heal their land, and acknowledging our deep need for restoration.

These generous promises are a gentle comfort that soothes our weary spirits and a rousing call to action that urges us to live in a way that shines Christ’s love on earth. So, let’s examine each promise of God in depth.

Be encouraged by these Bible Verses about Prayer!

#1 I will hear from heaven

One of the most comforting truths we have as Christians is the promise that God listens to the prayers of a humble and repentant heart. This assurance is our lifeline when tough times come our way. Knowing that when we approach our Heavenly Father, with humility and a heart ready to turn from our wicked ways, He not only listens but answers, entirely transforms our prayer life.

God’s response to our prayers isn’t a far-off dream, it’s a reality. Understanding this brings us into a closer relationship with Him, encouraging us to share our deepest fears, highest hopes, and every mundane detail in between with Him, knowing He values every word.

The power of prayer in our lives is very real! Like a mustard seed that grows into a giant tree, our prayers, even though they may seem small at the moment, can move mountains, heal wounds, and bring about revival in our hearts and land. So, let’s approach God’s throne with confidence, remembering that He hears, He cares, and He responds to our humble and fervent prayers.

The ball is in our court. God is listening and waiting for us to do our part.

#2 Forgive their sins

God’s readiness to forgive our sins and mend our brokenness is as essential to His character as the air we breathe. The incredible freedom and change we experience when we truly understand this aspect of God’s nature is undeniable. It’s like waking up to a brand new day, where the weight of our past mistakes is lifted, allowing us to step into the bright light of God’s unconditional love.

God’s forgiveness isn’t just about accepting forgiveness for ourselves, it’s also about sharing that grace with others around us. Because when we forgive others, we become more connected to God’s kingdom, where the love of Christ rules our hearts. In this beautiful dance of forgiveness, we find the ongoing journey of our Christian life, a path of continuously seeking, receiving, and sharing the heart of God with everyone around us, moving our nation closer and closer to God’s will.

God is always faithful to forgive us of our sins, all we have to do is ask. I think that’s pretty amazing! Don’t you?

These Bible Verses about Forgiveness are Powerful!

#3 Heal their land

Our national sins may be many, but God wants to heal our land. This promise stretches beyond the simple mending of the soil under our feet, it reaches into the very fabric of our society. God’s healing touch can be seen in many different ways. It might be in the laughter of children playing in a restored park, in communities joining hands to advocate for one another, or in the quiet peace that calms a troubled heart.

God’s restoration isn’t simply repairing what’s been damaged. Isaiah 61:3 tells us, “To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness”, meaning that God will heal us completely and give us a new and beautiful existence safe in His embrace.

We’re not just spectators in this restoration, we’re called, you and I, to be active participants in God’s healing process and the victory of Jesus. It’s a call for us to live out His commandments and promises, and to be the change we wish to see in this great country. By aligning our thoughts and actions with God’s will, we’re welcoming His healing touch into our lives and contributing to the healing of our land.

Let’s think of ways we can be a part of this great healing, letting our actions reflect our faith and being the salt of the earth. When we do our part, we can be sure God will do His. He will bring revival to our country and bless our nation! Because God always keeps His promises!

Are you frustrated with the direction our country is headed in? As the people of God, we recognize that our land desperately needs revival. The Word of God makes it very clear, that it starts with our humility and repentance, then national repentance will follow. So, let’s allow 2 Chronicles 7:14 to be our rallying cry leading the entire nation back to a relationship with the only One who can give us a heart of revival. If we return to God, humble ourselves before Him, seek His face, and turn from our sins, we’ll see the new revival we so desperately desire in our hearts and land. If we do our part, God will do His! Please join me in seeking God’s will for our nation and praying for revival in our country. May God bless you!

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