3 Ways to Grow in Grace 2 Peter 3:18 Devotional

In this 2 Peter 3:18 Devotional, we’ll discover 3 practical ways to grow in grace. Have you ever wondered how to deepen your personal relationship with Christ Jesus? The Apostle Peter’s second epistle gives us wisdom for living a spiritual life filled with the grace of God and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s explore this encouraging passage and learn how to apply it to our Christian life today!

What is the Meaning of 2 Peter 3:18?

Growing in grace is an ongoing process that shapes every part of a Christian’s life. It calls us to go beyond the basics of faith and develop a deeper, more personal understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This journey isn’t about perfection, it’s about persistent growth over time, guided by the Holy Spirit and rooted in God’s truth. Let’s read this inspiring scripture about the importance of spiritual growth together…

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.

2 Peter 3:18 NIV


This verse powerfully calls mature Christians to continue growing in their spiritual lives. The Apostle Peter encourages us to increase our knowledge of Christ, going beyond an intellectual understanding of who He is and creating a deep, personal level of connection with Him.

This spiritual growth involves studying the Word of God, praying, and living godly lives in anticipation of the return of Jesus. As the Apostle Paul wrote in his epistles, the Christian life is a journey of transformation. In the end, the point of our journey isn’t the destination, it’s our relationship with Jesus.

Just like a tree needs certain nutrients to turn from a tiny twig into a towering oak, we also need life sustaining truth to grow in the faith.

What is Grace?

Grace is God’s love poured down on us. This unmerited favor, is the foundation of our faith because it saves us from our sins, making us righteous in the eyes of our beloved Heavenly Father. Grace is a gift we don’t deserve, and no matter how hard we work, we can’t earn it. Ephesians 2 tells us this simple truth…

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God

Ephesians 2:8 NKJV


This verse reminds us that salvation is a precious gift from God, not something we achieve through our own efforts. Grace through faith in Jesus is what saves us, but it’s also the power that transforms us as we grow in the knowledge of our Lord. Understanding grace allows us to see God’s hand at work in every part of our lives, leading us into a deeper personal relationship with Him. But God’s grace is only the beginning of a Christian’s salvation journey. The moment we’re saved by grace we receive all of the benefits of faith, forgiveness, redemption, and liberty. But the longer we’re saved, the more we understand the depth of God’s everlasting love for us and experience the joy of living in His presence.

So, let’s celebrate the most precious gift we’ll ever receive by exploring 3 Ways to Grow in Grace. Each one takes us closer to understanding our Lord, Jesus Christ. And combined they show us the extent of God’s grace toward us.

Now, let’s discover practical steps to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2 Peter 3:18 Meaning

How to Grow in Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Christ 

Growing in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ is a vital part of being a child of God. It involves relying on the Holy Spirit for guidance and a commitment to living out God’s truth in practical ways. The Apostle Peter’s second epistle encourages us to mature spiritually by embracing God’s unmerited favor and seeking a deeper connection with Christ Jesus. Our spiritual growth not only transforms us but also reflects God’s glory to the world around us, showing others the power of His amazing grace.

In the following three steps, we’ll explore how to prepare our hearts, cultivate our faith, and walk in the light of Christ. Just like a farmer begins with the soil, we must start by preparing our hearts to receive the truth of God’s Word. Let’s begin with the first way to grow in grace…

#1 Prepare the Soil

Let’s face it… We all start with a little rocky terrain. For some of us, it’s because we’re new Christians, learning the ways of the Lord from the very beginning. For others, it’s the contentment of staying in our comfort zone, not wanting to push the boundaries of our daily lives, and forgetting that we’re called to lives of holiness. We feel like we’ve already made it and that our relationship with God is good enough.

The Holy Bible calls this “fallow ground”. To get to the next level of spiritual maturity we must break it up, plow the field, and prepare the soil to receive the seed.

Sow for yourselves righteousness;
Reap in mercy;
Break up your fallow ground,
For it is time to seek the Lord,
Till He comes and rains righteousness on you.

Hosea 10:12 NKJV


So, what exactly is fallow ground?

It’s abandoned land that hasn’t been unused for so long that it has become hard and riddled with weeds. For it to become useful again it must be worked, the weeds pulled, the clumps of dirt broken up, and the rocks removed.

Over time our hearts can become fallow ground too. We go through the motions, attending church each week, but never actually moving forward in our relationship with God. It can feel like we’re on a hamster wheel of spirituality, running as fast as we can, but never making any real progress in our walk with Jesus.

But God is calling us to a new and exciting place. A deeper, more meaningful relationship with Him!

It’s time for us to get off the hamster wheel and onto the plow! The first step of growing in grace is breaking up the fallow ground in our lives. That means clearing our hearts of unused space and readying our minds to receive God’s Word.

That might involve repenting of false teaching, worldly distractions, and even our own lusts. But we don’t have to do this alone—God will help us break up the hard soil of our hearts and plant His truth in well-prepared, fertile soil.

#2 Water the Seed 

Water is essential for anything to grow, without it, all living things dry up and blow away. So, it only makes sense that once we’ve plowed the field and planted the seed of God’s Word in our hearts, it must be watered before it can grow.

In our spiritual lives, water represents the Holy Spirit, who nourishes and sustains our faith. Without this life-giving water, the seed will wither and die.

For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit.

Jeremiah 17:8 NKJV

This is an image of a Christian’s life. We’re the tree, planted by the Living Water of Jesus Christ. As we spread out our roots, He gives us everything we need to overcome the heat and bear fruit. Unlike the barren and hardened fallow ground, the tree thrives, alive and vibrant, because it is continually nourished by the One who saves.

It’s important to remember that this verse isn’t a promise of an easy life. We’ll still face tough times and seasons of drought. But God does promise that He will take care of us during those times, empowering us to remain steadfast and fruitful no matter what challenges come our way.

If we want to grow in grace and be fruitful, it’s as simple as planting ourselves next to Jesus and allowing Him to water the seed of God’s grace in our lives. Then the smallest mustard seed of our faith can grow into a beautiful and abundant tree like the one described in Jeremiah 17.

Life’s difficulties may come, but the Holy Spirit helps us endure and thrive during those moments. Spending time with Jesus, soaking in His Word, and allowing Him to nourish us is a practical and essential step in growing in grace.

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#3 Let the “Sonshine” In

Nothing grows in darkness, expect maybe a mushroom, and who wants to be a mushroom? Just as plants need sunshine to thrive, we need the light of Christ to shine on us for spiritual growth.

As we continue our tree analogy, we see the need for a little sunshine to enter the picture. Without it, our tree won’t have the proper nutrients to survive. It will become weak and turn a terrible, sickly shade of yellow, and eventually wither and die.

This is also true in our spiritual lives. We need the light of Christ to shine on us as much as plants need sunshine to thrive. Without the light of Jesus Christ, we lack the nutrients needed to grow in grace and knowledge.

In the beginning, when God created the world, He commanded the light to shine and separated day from night. Similarly, when we became Christians, God flipped the switch in our hearts, shining the glorious light of Jesus into the darkness of our lives. That was the moment of our salvation, when we truly acknowledged who Jesus is.

For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 4:6 NKJV


Letting the “Sonshine” of Jesus in is essential for real growth and transformation. Without His light, our hearts would remain unchanged, and we wouldn’t experience the joy of being a new creation in Christ. But with His light, we begin to grow in grace and reflect His love to the world.

That’s pure and simple truth, y’all.

But here’s the thing… having the “Sonshine” in our hearts isn’t just for us. It’s meant to be shared. When we truly experience the light of Christ, it becomes contagious—we want to shine so others can see Him too. As C.S. Lewis beautifully said, “Don’t shine so others can see you, shine so that through you others can see Him.”

Knowing Jesus comes with a responsibility to share His truth and love with everyone we meet. As children of the light, our God-given mission is to shine brightly, bringing the hope and knowledge of Jesus to a world lost in darkness. So, let’s allow the light of Christ to shine through us and share the Sonshine with those around us!

How Can God’s Hand Help Us Grow in Grace?

God’s hand is a constant source of guidance and strength, giving us everything we need to grow in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. The Bible is filled with countless examples of God’s hand leading His people through challenges, shaping them into vessels of His purpose and grace. Trusting in His hand means relying on His divine nature to sustain us, even in hard times.

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that at the proper time He may exalt you.
1 Peter 5:6 ESV

This verse reminds us that humility is essential for spiritual growth. When we humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand, we acknowledge His authority and our need for His guidance. This act of humility opens the door for His grace to work in our lives, transforming our hearts and equipping us to grow in His truth. The process of growing in grace often begins with surrender, releasing control and trusting God to shape us into the kind of people He created us to be according to His perfect plan and will.

When we depend on God’s hand, we experience His faithfulness in every season of life. Whether we’re facing trials or celebrating moments of great joy, His hand steadies us, helping us walk the path of life with grace and truth. By choosing to follow His lead, we grow in grace and become reflections of His love and glory, showing the world the transformative power of His hand at work in our lives.

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Why Growing in Grace Matters

Growing in grace is more than personal development, it’s about fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. It enables us to align with His divine plan and glorify Him through our actions and attitudes. As we grow in grace, we deepen our connection with God and reflect His character to a world in need of His love and truth.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10 ESV

This scripture reminds us that God has created us for a purpose, to live out the good works He has planned for us. Growing in grace equips us to walk in these works, showing others the transformative power of His love. It’s through this growth that we become true reflections of Christ’s character in our daily lives.

Two key reasons why growing in grace matters are our ability to reflect Christ and the lifelong journey of faith we’re called to walk. As His children, our lives should be a testimony that draws others to Him. The journey of faith requires perseverance and a steadfast reliance on God’s promises, shaping us into instruments of His grace and truth. Spiritual growth is not a luxury, it’s essential for living as a child of God and walking in the fullness of His plan for our lives.

Reflecting Christ in Our Daily Lives

Growing in grace isn’t just about personal development, it’s about reflecting Christ’s character in our daily lives. Each day provides an opportunity to live out God’s truth in a way that points others to Him. Our lives of holiness should shine brightly as a testimony to the amazing grace of God that saves and transforms us, drawing others to glorify Him, in Jesus’ name.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16 NIV

In a world filled with false doctrine and selfish desires, living with integrity and faithfulness points others to the Saviour Jesus Christ. As we reflect His light, we encourage others to seek a personal relationship with Him. Our daily actions can inspire change in the lives of those around us, proving that God’s unmerited favor isn’t just for us but for all who believe. So, let’s live each moment intentionally, demonstrating the transformative power of His grace with everyone we meet.

A Lifelong Journey of Faith

Growing in grace is not a one-time event but a lifelong journey that transforms every aspect of our lives. The Apostle Paul’s writings often emphasize that the Christian life requires perseverance, steadfastness, and continual reliance on God’s promises. This journey is marked by ongoing spiritual growth, shaped by God’s hand and the power of the Holy Spirit within us.

Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Philippians 1:6 NIV

This verse reminds us that God is faithfully at work in our lives, guiding us toward spiritual maturity. Each step of this journey involves learning from past experiences and trusting in the patience of our Lord. Even in the face of challenges, we can stand firm, knowing that God will complete the good work He has begun in us.

As we anticipate the eternal day, we’re called to live holy lives, pursuing the divine nature and reflecting Christ’s character. This journey isn’t always easy, but it’s filled with great love and hope as we rely on the Holy Spirit to guide and sustain us. Let’s encourage one another as beloved brothers and sisters, staying faithful and pressing on toward the day when all will be made new. With each passing moment, we grow closer to the fullness of God’s plan for our lives, living in the light of His grace and truth.

Growing in Grace Every Day with God’s Guidance

In this 2 Peter 3:18 Devotional, we’ve explored 3 Ways to Grow in Grace and seek a deeper relationship with the Lord.  I pray you’ll embrace each one and not hesitate to plow the field, water the seed, and let the “Sonshine” in. Together, these steps will help you grow farther and deeper in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ than you’ve ever imagined!

As we open our hearts to God’s Word and invite His presence into our lives, we experience the transformative power of His grace. The second letter of Peter encourages us to protect our minds, remain steadfast in truth, and live lives that honor God. These daily practices help us grow closer to Him and deepen our faith.

Our hope rests in the patience of our Lord and His promise of a new heaven and earth. Let’s hold tightly to His truth, reflect His grace to others, and live out the beautiful words of Scripture, “To Him be the glory both now and forever.”

Take a moment to reflect on how the Holy Spirit leading you to grow in grace. Spend time in prayer, meditate on God’s Word, and share His great love with someone in your life. When we plant ourselves near Jesus, the Living Water, He transforms us into strong and fruitful reflections of His love. Take the first step today toward a deeper relationship with Him and experience the joy of growing in His grace.

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