In this Psalm 116:13 Devotional, we’ll discover the meaning of lifting up the cup of salvation and how this verse can transform our lives through the gracious blessings of God. Psalm 116 is a powerful chapter in the Holy Bible that reminds us of God’s goodness and faithfulness. It expresses deep gratitude for His mercy and deliverance, as the psalmist praises God in response to His grace. Plus, we’ll explore the spiritual significance of the “cup of salvation” and how it connects to our lives today.
Growing up I always looked forward to the Lord’s Supper. I don’t really know why, the crackers didn’t taste good and the cup of grape juice was tiny, but for some reason, I was excited for it. Back then, my mom explained the importance of this religious rite and made sure I knew the purpose behind it. But what always amazes me is the way the Old and New Testaments go together like peanut butter and jelly. So, let’s take a moment to reflect on this Old Testament verse about what it means to lift up the sacred cup of our salvation as we call on the name of Christ Jesus, and find out how we can apply the message of Psalm 116:13 in our everyday walk with our Lord.
What is the Meaning of Psalm 116:13?
I will lift up the cup of salvation
and call on the name of the Lord,
Psalm 116:13 English Standard Version
This verse is a beautiful expression of gratitude and praise to God for His great love and salvation. But what exactly does it mean to lift up the cup of salvation?
In Biblical times, the image of a cup symbolized several things, including the cup of blessing, representing God’s overflowing provisions, and the cup of afflictions, representing the suffering of our Savior. However, in this scripture, when the psalmist speaks of the “cup of salvation,” he’s referring to the fullness of God’s deliverance and redemption, both spiritually and physically. This “cup” is filled with God’s mercy, grace, and eternal salvation.
In a symbolic act of devotion, lifting up the cup of salvation is a public declaration of our faith and gratitude toward God. It’s an offering of praise and thanksgiving, acknowledging that all the good things we have come directly from Him. The psalmist, likely David, calls on the name of God, it’s a prayer for God’s power and presence in his life, that aligns with the offering of praise naturally flowing from a believer’s heart.
The phrase “call on the name of the Lord” emphasizes the deep relationship we’re invited to have with God. To call upon His name is recognizing His great mercy and trusting in Him wholeheartedly, knowing that He’s the source of our salvation and strength. This act of lifting up the cup also represents participation in the Lord’s Supper, a special time when we remember Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the ultimate offering that secured our salvation.
When we lift up the cup of salvation, we acknowledge that we’re recipients of God’s grace, saved by His love. It’s a way to publicly praise Him and thank Him for His deliverance, much like how the psalmist beholding the great things of God responded in gratitude. It’s our offering of praise and an act of worship that proclaims the name of Yahweh, the One and Only God, to the world.
God’s Hand in the Cup of Salvation
Do you thirst for the gracious blessings of God? Do you long to be in His presence? Then lift up the cup of salvation and drink until you’re full.
This cup represents God’s hand, extended toward us with an abundance of grace, mercy, and eternal salvation. God’s hand is always at work in our lives, offering us the precious gift of salvation. We’re constantly invited to experience His goodness and love through the blessings He pours into our lives every day.
This special cup of salvation isn’t just about our physical needs, though God does care for those as well. It’s about the fullness of salvation that He provides through Jesus Christ. When we lift up the cup, we’re acknowledging that our greatest need, our need for forgiveness from sin, has been met by God’s Son Jesus by His sacrifice on the cross.
Think of the bitter cup that Jesus drank in the garden of Gethsemane, when He prayed to the Father, asking for this cup to pass from Him. Yet, out of His great love for us, He drank that cup, taking upon Himself the weight of our sins.
saying, “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”
Luke 22:42 NKJV
In contrast, the cup of salvation that we lift up is a cup of blessing, filled with the overflowing grace of God. Because Jesus drank the bitter cup, we can now drink the cup of salvation, that’s filled to the brim, overflowing with His grace, mercy, and forgiveness. All you need to feel full is found inside of it. So, take it, lift it up, drink in God’s love for you, and praise His holy name for all He’s done.
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The Power of Thanksgiving and Praise
Psalm 116 is a psalm of thanksgiving, and lifting up the cup of salvation is an expression of gratitude for the mercy of God in our lives. The psalmist recognizes that there’s only one way to properly respond to such a great blessing of salvation, by praising the name of the Lord.
The offering of wine, or drink offering, was a solemn act of devotion in biblical times, often made in along with other offerings. It was a way to give thanks to God, much like the sacrifice of thanksgiving we offer today through our prayers, worship, and lives dedicated to serving Him. Just as the master of the family would offer a blessing at the close of a feast, we’re also invited to lift up our cup of salvation and offer praise to the Maker of the World.
The cup of thanksgiving is an essential part of our worship. When we lift up the cup of salvation, we’re acknowledging not only God’s eternal salvation but also His everyday provision and care for us. It’s a way to offer a special expression of thanks for the many blessings we receive.
Calling on the Name of the Lord
Throughout this psalm, we see the psalmist calling on the name of Jehovah in times of need and in times of gratitude. Calling on the name of the Lord is an act of faith and trust. It signifies a deep reliance on God’s power and a recognition of His sovereignty.
In the sight of the Lord, the psalmist offers praise, acknowledging that God alone has delivered him from the “cords of death”. This act of calling on the name of the Lord isn’t only a personal devotion but also a public declaration that God is the One True God, worthy of all praise and worship.
When we lift up the cup of salvation and call on the Lord’s name, we’re saying that we belong to Him. It’s a way of showing our gratitude for His great love and to honor the gift of everlasting life He’s given to us.
The Cup of Salvation and the New Testament
The concept of lifting up the cup of salvation carries into the New Testament as well, particularly with the institution of the Lord’s Supper, where Jesus shared the cup of wine with His disciples telling them to drink from it. At that moment, the cup of salvation took on an even greater meaning as it symbolized the new covenant in Christ’s blood, shed for the forgiveness of sins.
Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”
Matthew 26:27-28 NKJV
Today, as God’s people we still observe the Lord’s Supper, recreating this important moment in human history by drinking from the cup of salvation. This is called the eucharistic cup and it represents the blood of Christ that guaranteed the forgiveness of our sins. Every time we take up the cup of salvation, we remember the sacrifice of Christ Jesus on the cross and give thanks for the redemption He secured for us. The Lord Jesus invites us to drink deeply from the cup of salvation and to live in the fullness of the love of God.
This is a powerful expression of our true faith, trust, and gratitude toward God. It’s a solemn act of devotion that acknowledges the great things He has done in our lives, from His daily provision to His ultimate gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. So, let’s lift up the cup, drink until we’re full of His grace, and praise His holy name for all He’s done.
Taking Up the Cup of Salvation with Grateful Hearts
By taking up the cup of salvation we’re engaging in a meaningful act of worship and thanksgiving, that reminds us of God’s abundant grace and mercy in our lives. As we reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the salvation He offers, we’re invited to drink deeply of His love as we call on His name. May we continue to lift this cup with grateful hearts, praising God for His great love and eternal salvation that fills us to the brim.
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