Have you ever wondered how to store up treasures in heaven? What does that even mean anyway? In this Matthew 6:19-21 devotional, we’ll discover how to lay up treasures in heaven and why it’s important for us to follow this command from our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The world tells us that having wealth, or treasure, is the most important thing in life. And that having money is what gives us worth as people. The more treasure we accumulate the better off we’ll be.
In my life, there never seems to be enough money to go around. I live on a tight budget and I try to make every dollar stretch. I save for a rainy day, but, honestly, when it comes to finances, it’s always pouring. Somehow, by the grace of God, my family makes it through, the bills get paid and the groceries are bought.
Maybe your life is like this too. I know so many of us are in this same situation.
Because we are, it seems we’re always on the lookout for that proverbial “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow”. And if we can’t have a cute green leprechaun to call our own, we can wish on a star that we’ll win it big in the lottery or inherit from a long-lost rich relative. If that doesn’t work out, maybe we can work eighty hours a week and finally get ahead. That sounds like a lot of fun, right?!
As much as I would love for one of these get-rich-quick plans to work in our favor, I seriously doubt they will.
But God has a plan for us. A perfect plan to give us lasting wealth. It’s not wealth in the traditional sense, but something much greater.
I’d like to share with you what Jesus said about true wealth and what He thinks gives us value.
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Jesus has a lot to say in these scriptures. So, let’s dig a little deeper and discover God’s version of a get-rich-quick plan and how we can have it for ourselves.
lay up for yourselves…
The phrase “lay up” in verses 19 and 20 means “give priority to”, so these words of Jesus are about the priorities we have in life. Our priority as Christians should always be to have a lasting relationship with our Savior and to reflect His light to the world.
I often ask myself, “What are my priorities, and are they pleasing to God?” Sometimes my priorities are in line with God’s. And other times, it becomes obvious I need to do a real gut check and change my way of thinking.
where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal…
Society tells us having “stuff” will make us happy and give us meaning in life. They say that the more “treasure” you have the better off you’ll be. But material objects can be broken, stolen or lost. And in the end, they won’t give us the happiness we’re looking for.
It’s true, we all need money to survive and it isn’t necessarily bad to have things. It’s the importance we place on them that makes them worldly instead of heavenly. And when “stuff” becomes more important to us than anything else, we are missing out on the blessings God wants to give us.
treasures in heaven…
Our reward is waiting for us in heaven. And guess what…Jesus is that reward! He is our treasure!
But at the same time, we don’t want to forget that what we do here on earth matters. Our job as Christians is bigger than just paying the bills. It’s to show others the way to heaven through our words and actions. Then they will repeat the cycle of sharing the gospel and begin to lay up their treasures in heaven also. It’s the circle of life! Yah!
Read More in this devotional Bible Verses for Spring that will Renew Your Spirit
there your heart will be also…
The condition of our hearts is what is most important to God, and in verse 21, that’s what Jesus is talking about. When our focus is on making money and accumulating wealth then we aren’t making room in our heart for Jesus. But when we focus on the spiritual rewards of a Christian life our walk with Jesus will be greatly improved and our hearts will be opened to receiving His blessings.
So, how do we store up treasures in heaven? The answer sounds so simple, but sometimes as we go through life it gets lost in the jumble.
When we live for Jesus, that’s when we are laying up our treasures in heaven! Our priority should always be our personal relationship with Him, walking with Him every day, and sharing our faith with other people.
I pray you will join me in asking yourself these questions…What is my priority? Is it acquiring wealth? Or is it my relationship with Jesus and bringing other people to Him? If we search deep within our hearts and ask God to reveal the areas of our lives that keep us from having a meaningful relationship with Him, we can rest assured that He will give us the answer.
May you store up treasures in heaven today and always!
Bible Verse Art from Master’s Hand Collection
Jesus Name Above All Names Bible Verse Art
I wrote a whole book on Matthew 6 – one of my faves.
Hi Susan! One of my favorites too! Thanks for stopping by the blog today. Blessings!