What is the Meaning of Life? Isaiah 43:7 Devotional

In this Isaiah 43:7 devotional, we’ll discover the true meaning of life. 

It’s the age-old question that scholars have pondered since the beginning of time…

What is the meaning of life?

For a Christian, the answer is very obvious. God doesn’t leave us in suspense. He tells us, in His Word, exactly why we were created.

Everyone who is called by My name,
Whom I have created for My glory:
I have formed him, yes, I have made him.

Isaiah 43:7 NKJV

So the simple answer is this, we were made for God’s glory! We were put on this earth not for our own glory, but to bring glory to the One who created us.

This revelation leads us to another, more important question…

How do we bring glory to God? Let’s take a look at a few verses that tell us some of the ways we can glorify Him.

#1 Praise God.

Whoever offers praise glorifies Me…

 Psalm 50:23

If we want to bring glory to God then the first thing we need to do is to praise Him. It’s easy to praise God when life is good. But sometimes praising God is the last thing in world that we want to do. Maybe times are tough and things aren’t going so great in our lives. But God doesn’t ask us to praise Him only in the good times. When we praise God, in good times and in bad, we bring glory to Him. No matter what our current circumstances are, we can rest assured that when we praise the God who made us for His glory, He will lift us up.

#2 Live our lives in a way that pleases God.

Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31 NKJV

The way that we conduct ourselves can either bring glory to God or dishonor to His name. The world is watching us to see how Christians react. Most of us probably don’t think about if we are bringing glory to God when we are at work or school or wherever we are spending our time. It’s not really about what we are doing at these places, it’s if the people around us can see that there is something different about us. Do they see Jesus when they look at us? Or do we act just like the rest of the world? Sometimes I live up to that standard and sometimes I fail. But what’s important is to keep trying to set an example of why we are different. And that brings us to the last verse I’d like to look at today.

#3 Let your light shine.

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

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I’m sure there is an unsaved person in your life that you know is watching you. They ask questions that they think you can’t answer or they point out the things that you do wrong and say, see they aren’t so perfect after all. We all have a few of those people in our lives and it’s our job as believers to shine our light in a way that shows them Jesus. I have people in my life like this too and I want so badly to show them the Savior. I try to be a good example of Christ’s love, but somehow I always leave feeling like I said or did the wrong thing. I wonder if I’ll ever get it right. But it’s a humble reminder that I am living my life not for myself but for Jesus, and whatever I say or do should bring glory to our Father in heaven.

We no longer need to ask the question, what is the meaning of life? If we are saved, then we already have the answer. So, let’s start living our lives to glorify God. He will surely bless us for it!

Now that we know the Meaning of Life let’s take it one step further and discover the purpose of a Christian’s life. Check out Part 2: “What is the Purpose of Life?”

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