What is the Joy of the Lord Nehemiah 8:10 Devotional

In this Nehemiah 8:10 Devotional, we’ll discover what the joy of the Lord is and how you can have it in your life every day! Through the example of Jesus Christ and the promises found in Scripture, we’ll see how His joy becomes our strength n matter what we’re facing in life.

We’ve all heard the well-loved Bible quote… “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”

But what exactly is the joy of the Lord? And how can we experience it for ourselves?

Joy is something every believer longs for, but in our fast-paced, modern world, it often feels just out of reach. We’re pulled in countless directions every day, juggling responsibilities, facing challenges, and simply trying to keep our heads above water. In the chaos, joy can easily become something we push aside, saving it for another day.

But here’s the good news… the joy of the Lord isn’t tied to our circumstances. It’s not about temporary happiness or momentary pleasure, it’s a deep, abiding joy that comes from knowing and trusting God. As the people of God, we have access to this unshakable joy because it’s rooted in His unchanging character and steadfast love.

In this devotional, we’ll explore what the joy of the Lord truly means, how it becomes our strength and practical ways to embrace it in our everyday lives. Let’s uncover the key to walking in this joy, no matter what life throws our way.

What is the Meaning of Nehemiah 8:10?

The book of Nehemiah gives us a powerful reminder of how God’s people can find strength and renewal in His joy, even in during times of conviction and sorrow. In Nehemiah 8:10, we see a beautiful moment where joy replaces grief, and celebration takes the place of mourning. Let’s read it together.

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Nehemiah 8:10 NIV

In this scripture from Nehemiah Chapter 8, we learn the secret to finding great joy. The people of Nehemiah’s day were convicted of their sins, and they wept bitterly because of it. They understood they could never live up to the standard of God’s law and would never deserve God’s redemption.

But Nehemiah reminded them, “Now is not a time for sorrow; instead, it’s a time to celebrate!” This day was a holy day, set apart for worship and gratitude. In their sin and shame, they had forgotten all their Heavenly Father had done for them. They needed to hear these life-changing words… “The joy of the Lord is your strength!”

To mark this special day, Nehemiah encouraged them to eat choice foods, rich, special dishes prepared with care, and enjoy sweet drinks, including sweet wine or other refreshing beverages shared during moments of great celebration. These weren’t indulgences, they were symbols of God’s abundant provision and the joy that comes from His blessings.

But this celebration wasn’t meant to be kept to themselves. Nehemiah also instructed them to share portions of food with those who had nothing prepared, emphasizing the importance of community, generosity, and serving others during times of rejoicing.

We’re no different from the people of Nehemiah’s time. The Christian life is full of ups and downs, and the meaning of this verse can easily elude us when we face tough times. We forget that it’s not what we do that brings us joy, instead, it’s what has been done for us through Jesus Christ that allows us to confidently say… God’s joy is our strength!

This passage reminds us that real joy isn’t found in our circumstances but in the steadfast love and promises of God. So let’s embrace this great joy, share it generously with others, and let the joy of the Lord become the unshakable strength that carries us through every season of life.

The Joy of the Lord is My Strength

When life is filled with difficulty, it’s easy to feel like we’re drowning in a sea of despair and lose sight of the joy God promises us. But the joy of the Lord isn’t dependent on our feelings or circumstances, it’s based on the truth of who He is, our strength and shield.

The Lord is my strength and shield.
    I trust him with all my heart.
He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy.
I burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

Psalm 28:7 NLT

This beautiful psalm tells us that when we place our trust in God, His strength becomes our strength, and His joy fills our hearts. It’s a joy that empowers us to keep going, even when life feels like its too much to handle. And it’s a joy that naturally turns into gratitude, drawing us closer to God with every step we take.

No matter what you’re up against today, now is the time for great rejoicing, because God is your strength, your shield, and your source of unending joy.

Where does the Joy of the Lord come from?

Joy comes from the Lord and having a personal relationship with Him. It’s not just a passing emotion, it’s a deep connection that gives us the assurance we’re known, loved and fully accepted by our Heavenly Father.

Think of it this way…

There are some people we meet and instantly click with, as if we’ve known them for years. Then there are people we’ve known for years and share a past with. We have a meaningful connection with them, and simply being in their presence fills our hearts with joy.

The thought of being separated from those we deeply care about brings us pain. And the idea of living without them feels unimaginable.

This is how God feels about us. He created us for connection, and He desires to have a lasting, loving relationship with each one of us.

But sin created a divide, a gap we could never bridge on our own. It separated us from the greatest gift God has to offer, a meaningful, lasting relationship with Him.

So, our Heavenly Father sent His Son, Christ Jesus, to close that gap for us.

For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV

Jesus is the remedy for sin, the bridge that reconnects us to God. Through Him, we’re restored, forgiven, and invited into a personal relationship with our Creator. This connection is our source of true joy, the kind of joy that doesn’t fade with circumstances but remains steadfast because it’s rooted in God’s everlasting love.

The joy of the Lord is your strength Nehemiah 8:10 Meaning

What is the Joy of the Lord?

The Son of God, Jesus Christ, endured unimaginable suffering on the cross, yet He did it with joy in His heart. Why? Because He had His eyes fixed on something far greater—the joy that was set before Him. This joy wasn’t rooted in the agony of the cross but in the glorious outcome it would bring: our salvation and restored relationship with God.

Looking unto, Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2

This scripture from Hebrews 12 makes it clear… when Jesus died for our sins, He was focused on “the joy that was set before Him.”

And guess what… we are that joy!

We are the joy of the Lord! Our salvation is the reason Jesus died and rose again. And our salvation is what He was thinking of on the cross.

Jesus Christ willingly faced a sinner’s death because of His joy in us. He came to bridge the gap left by sin and to die in our place. He did it so our relationship with God could be permanently restored.

This isn’t just a distant theological truth, it’s a deeply personal reality. Jesus wasn’t motivated by duty, He was motivated by love. The cross wasn’t an obligation, it was an act of pure joy because it secured our eternal redemption.

Now, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, sin no longer separates us from God, and we can experience the joy of walking with Him every day.

Once we grasp this simple yet profound truth, our relationship with Jesus will flourish. And we’ll no longer have to face the challenges of life alone. His presence, His love, and His joy will carry us through every moment.

Read More: 

How to Have the Joy of the Lord

The joy of the Lord isn’t something we have to chase or earn, it’s a gift freely given to every believer. When we walk closely with God, we experience pure joy that transcends our circumstances and fills our hearts with peace. Psalm 16:11 beautifully captures this promise…

You make known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalm 16:11 NIV

If you’re still asking… How do I receive the joy of the Lord?

The answer is simple. If you believe in Jesus and have accepted Him as your Savior, then God’s joy is already within you.

You have salvation, what this verse from Psalm 16 calls “the path of life”. And once you’re saved, the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you. It’s this continuous presence of God that fills us with overflowing, pure joy and leads us into the fullness of joy that can only be found in Him.

But this joy isn’t just an outward feeling, it’s an inward strength that sustains us because we know that no matter what happens, we’re securely held in God’s love and grace.

If you haven’t asked Jesus to come into your life and save you from your sin and would like to know how, please read How to Be Saved. You’ll find the answers to your questions about salvation through Jesus in this short guide.

Embracing the fullness of joy in God’s presence starts with one step of faith. Once you take that step, His joy will become a constant source of strength, peace, and hope in your life.

God’s Hands Give Us Much Joy

When we place our lives in God’s hands, we find comfort, security, and so much joy! His hand isn’t distant or passive, it’s active, steadying us and holding us close through every step of life’s journey.

The joy we experience from walking hand-in-hand with our Heavenly Father flows from His unwavering love and faithfulness. It’s a joy that lifts our hearts and fills our souls with gratitude as we see His hand at work in our lives.

For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord; I sing for joy at what your hands have done.

Psalm 92:4 NIV

God’s hands have done so much for us. They shaped the heavens and the earth and everything in them, filling our lives with unimaginable blessings. They reached down to rescue us from our sins and shame, offering us salvation through the sacrifice of our Savior, Jesus Christ on the cross.

When we follow the will of God and trust in His hands to provide for us, we can have complete confidence that His joy will be our strength whatever may come our way. Because His hands are not only powerful but also loving, carrying us through the many hard things we face each day with steadfast care and devotion.

No matter where you are today, God’s hands are holding you, leading you, and filling you with a joy that can’t be shaken. Trust in His love, rest in His care, and let the work of His hands give you lasting joy.

God’s Joy is Your Strength

When life feels overwhelming, and we’re faced with challenges that seem impossible to overcome, where can we turn for true spiritual strength? The answer lies in the Word of God, where we find the promises of His unwavering protection and steadfast love. Nehemiah 8:10 reminds us that “the joy of the Lord is our strength,” and that strength becomes our strong refuge in every season of life.

The word strength in Nehemiah 8:10 paints a picture of God’s protection over us. When we’re weak, we can seek refuge in God’s loving arms. Because He is our place of safety. And we can draw strength from our relationship with God and find joy in Him through any circumstance.

Here are two Psalms that illustrate the Lord is your strength vividly…


God is our refuge and strength, 

A very present help in trouble.

                                  Psalm 46:1 NKJV

I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”

                                 Psalm 91:2 ESV

Hard times will come our way, and we’ll all face seasons of struggle. But in those moments, we have a strong refuge, a safe haven to run to when the storms of life feel overwhelming.

God is our strong tower and fortress in times of trouble. He’s our protection from the world and the place where we can find joy and spiritual strength when we need them the most.

Whatever you’re facing, your loving Heavenly Father will see you through it. His Word promises that He’ll never leave you or forsake you. Place your trust in the Lord, anchor yourself in His Word, and He will be your strength and your joy.

Inspired Everyday Collection Printable Devotionals for Women

Living in the Joy of the Lord

In this Nehemiah 8:10 Devotional, we’ve uncovered the beautiful truth that the joy of the Lord is our strength. But you might still be asking, “How do I carry this joy with me every single day, especially during a difficult time?”

Let’s look at one more verse from God’s Word that teaches us about living in God’s joy…

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 15:13

Life often feels chaotic, and the busyness of each day can steal our focus. Stress, fear, and overwhelm creep in, and before we know it, the joy we once felt from walking closely with God seems far away.

But here’s the good news… pure joy doesn’t come from our circumstances, it comes directly from God. It’s a deep sense of inner calm and assurance that’s always there no matter what is happening on the outside.

This kind of joy isn’t something we have to create or hold onto with our own strength. It’s the power of the Holy Spirit inside of us that makes it possible to live with the joy of the Lord every day. Through Him, we can experience spiritual strength and the great things God has in store for us, even in the most challenging seasons. We may not always feel this joy, but it’s always there, anchored deep within us because the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts.

I hope you know how deeply God loves you and how much He desires for you to walk in His joy every single day.

So, as you move forward, my prayer is that God’s joy and peace will fill your heart and overflow into every part of your life. May the power of the Holy Spirit guide you, strengthen you, and fill you with unshakable hope.

No matter what you’re walking through or how uncertain the road ahead may seem, let God’s joy carry you. Trust in His promises, lean on His strength, and rest in the peace that comes from His unchanging love.

Take hold of this promise today and let the joy of the Lord be your strength…it’s the greatest gift you’ll ever receive!

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