In this Psalm 1:2-3 devotional, we’ll discover the most important thing we can do to grow our faith!
I love lists! I love them so much, I make one almost every day. And I love the feeling of accomplishment I have when I can cross out that “big” thing on my list. Usually my to-do list includes ordinary things like grocery shopping, returning phone calls, answering emails, running errands, etc. with a few occasional “big ticket” items thrown in for good measure. But there’s one thing that lately hasn’t made its way onto my list, a quiet time with God.
Okay, so I admit it, I’m not perfect. But I’m such a perfectionist! Still, I struggle. Probably with the same things you struggle with too. Recently that struggle has been a lack of motivation to spend time with God every day. My heart just hasn’t been in it. There’s an ebb and flow in life where things are good for a while and then all of a sudden everything seems hard. Right now, I’m going through one of those hard times. I’m still recovering from a low back injury and in a lot of pain. Even the smallest task seems difficult. My house is a total wreck. Everything that could break is broken and everything that could go wrong has. I’m falling so far behind on everything, that my to-do list makes me want to freak out. Plus a million other excuses that don’t mean much, because that’s all they are, excuses.
Knowing God and His will for our lives is the only way we can ever truly get ahead. And spending time with Him and applying His Word to our daily lives is what grows our faith. God doesn’t ask much from us. And He promises to give us so much in return.
In every relationship, there are ups and downs. But we can’t have a relationship with someone we never spend time with. It takes commitment and follow through on our part to make it happen.
The great thing is, God hasn’t gone anywhere. He’s exactly where He was before. He doesn’t change. He is constant. He is faithful. Even when I am not.
Psalm 1:2-3 says…
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And on His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.
I want to be like that tree, firmly planted by the river. And I want to be firmly planted in God’s Word. So, I am committed to growing my relationship with a God who loves me and wants to see me prosper in His ways. I know the only way to get there is to “delight in His law” (the Word of God) and make my time with God a priority every day.
So, I began by praying and asking God to return the joy of reading His Word to me. At the same time, I also began searching for a Bible study that would speak to my heart as I started my devotions again.
Slowly, God has restored my love of His Word to me. The more time I spend reading the Bible and listening to His wisdom, the more I understand who God is and how much He loves me. And the more time I spend praying and seeking His face, the closer I feel to Him.
I love God more than anything and I know that He loves me even more. So, I am fully committed to making my time with God the most important thing on my to-do list from now on! And I hope that you are too.
If you are struggling to spend time with God every day, then I want to encourage you. The investment you put in today will be repaid tenfold. When you began to spend time with God you will see His blessings in your life the same way that I have. You will become like a tree firmly planted by the rivers water. And everything you do will prosper.
You can begin the same way I did, by praying and asking God to give you joy and knowledge. Then find a Bible study that speaks to your heart or just start reading the Bible. Any book in it is a great place to start. I think you will be surprised by all of the wonderful things God has in store for you. God Bless!
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