How to Resist the Devil 1 Peter 5:8

In this 1 Peter 5:8 devotional, we’ll explore some of the devil’s schemes and how we can resist them, as we live a faithful life in service to our Savior, Jesus Christ.

What does the Bible say about resist the devil?

One of the most popular scriptures is 1 Peter 5:8. In this verse, we’re told to resist the devil. But what does that mean? And how can we do it? Let’s read it together and learn how to resist the devil.

Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith.

                                                         1 Peter 5:8 NKJV


Temptation is everywhere.

Some temptation is just from being human, like eating that extra piece of cake.

But some temptation is more sinister and comes from our enemy, the devil.

We are under attack, not just from an unbelieving world, but from our greatest foe the devil himself. Satan knows he cannot have us because we already belong to Jesus. There is nothing that he can do that will ever take us away from our Savior. (John 10:29) But Satan can turn us into ineffective Christians so we won’t share our faith with other people who may also believe.

What does it mean the devil is like a roaring lion?

A lion prowls around searching for its next meal. It picks the weakest animal in a group. Stalks it silently, and ruthlessly. When the moment is right, the lion strikes and takes down its prey.

This is exactly how the devil stalks his prey, us. Satan’s goal is to devour and destroy Christians, and he will use every weapon in his arsenal to do it.

The devil prowls around seeking his next victim. He is constantly setting traps for us to fall into. And he knows our weaknesses and how to exploit them.

So, how can we resist the devil and live the life God has for us?

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Schemes of the devil

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

                                                       Ephesians 6:11 ESV


The truth is, we are at war. A spiritual war against the devil and his demons. And just like any military operation, if we want to successfully defeat our enemy we need to understand and recognize the tactics that will be used against us.

So, here are some of the most cunning schemes of the devil he plans to use in this battle…


Lying is what Satan does best. He is the father of lies. So, deception is the first tactic he tries.

His lies are cruel, and he knows exactly which lie will stop us in our tracks.

He will tell us that we’re not good enough, that we don’t deserve it, that we can’t do it, and so many other hurtful things.

Satan wants us to fail, and he will tell us whatever it takes to stop us from being effective Christians.

But we don’t have to listen to Satan’s lies and we certainly don’t have to believe them. Instead, we have this promise to hold on to.

He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.

                                                      1 John 4:4 NKJV

While Satan delights in deception, Jesus delights in salvation!

We can resist Satan’s lies and fight back by knowing the truth. Jesus has already defeated him and is victorious!

We can rely on this truth, our Savior is greater than any enemy we face.

Read More: Will You Stand Firm in the Faith? 1 Corinthians 16:13


Satan wants us to be discouraged and he accomplishes this goal by reminding us of our past sins.

He will make us feel defeated and like we are already a failure before we’ve even begun. Whether we are sharing our faith, getting ready to go on a mission trip or just going about our day, Satan will try to discourage us from doing what God has asked of us.

For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.

                                                      Hebrews 8:12


Satan may remind us of our sin, but God doesn’t.

God not only forgives our sins, He forgets them. He doesn’t bring them up again and He doesn’t use them against us.

When the discouragement from Satan takes hold of us, we can turn to God and He will show us His love and mercy.


This sermon quote from the preacher Adrian Rogers tells us everything we need to know about this scheme of the devil.

“If Satan can’t make you bad, he’ll make you busy.” Adrian Rogers

Distraction is one of Satan’s most effective tactics against us. That’s because it doesn’t look like an attack on the surface.

He steals the time away from us that was meant to be used for God’s kingdom. If we’re too busy cleaning up the mess he made then we can’t take that friend out to lunch and share Jesus with them.

And sometimes, Satan will use even seemingly good things to distract us from God’s plan. If we say yes to a project that a coworker or friend wants us to do, then that time is not spent connecting with God and making Him a priority.

The remedy to this attack is found in this Bible verse from Psalm 46…

Be still and know that I am God.

                                                       Psalm 46:10


Busyness and stillness are opposites just like Satan and God. If Satan can cause us to be busy then we can’t experience the peaceful stillness that comes from time with God.

Satan will keep us running around in circles all for the sake of busyness. But if we recognize when our time is being stolen by the enemy, we can change that and say no to his distractions.

Read More: Victory in Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:57

Resist the devil and he will flee

The message of 1 Peter 5 is echoed in the book of James…

Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

                                                        James 4:7 NIV


These are just three of the many schemes Satan uses to make us ineffective Christians. Once we learn how to recognize his tactics, we can resist him by submitting to God, knowing the truth of who Jesus is, and being steadfast in our faith.

Then Satan will have no choice but to flee from us.

My prayer for you is you will know the love of Christ and how to resist the devil and his schemes today!

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