
Give Thanks to the Lord For He is Good Psalm 107:1 Devotional

Have you ever wondered what does the Bible say about giving thanks to God? In this Thanksgiving devotional, we'll open God's Word to read Psalm 107:1 and discover how to Give Thanks to the Lord during the holiday season and all year round. During this Thanksgiving holiday, we’ll gather around a table of glorious, delicious food [...]

By |2024-10-19T20:49:57-05:00September 10th, 2024|Bible Study Lessons, Fall, Thanksgiving|1 Comment

Bible Verses for Halloween [Free Scripture Cards for Candy]

In this devotional, we'll read some Bible Verses for Halloween that will shed some light on this burning question... What does the Bible say about Halloween?  ​ The Autumn leaves are changing colors and the grocery store is filled with aisles of candy, so it must mean the Halloween season is in full swing. This holiday brings [...]

By |2024-09-09T13:19:35-05:00September 9th, 2024|Bible Verses, Fall|0 Comments

The Harvest Is Plentiful A Matthew 9:37 Fall Devotional

In Matthew 9:37, Jesus tells us the harvest is plentiful. But what does that mean? In this devotional, we’ll read the words of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew and discover the true meaning behind this important scripture. What does Matthew 9:37-38 mean? Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask [...]

By |2024-09-10T12:36:21-05:00September 9th, 2024|Bible Study Lessons, Fall, Thanksgiving|4 Comments

Life-Changing Bible Verses about the Seasons

Do you wonder… What does the Bible say about the 4 Seasons? In this devotional, we’ll read Life-Changing Bible Verses about the Seasons and discover how God made the four seasons for a purpose. And how they help us navigate each season of life. God created each season for a purpose. In each of the [...]

By |2024-09-10T14:52:12-05:00September 8th, 2024|Bible Verses, Christian Life, Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter|Comments Off on Life-Changing Bible Verses about the Seasons

My Food is to Do the Will of the Father John 4:34 Devotional

In this John 4:34 devotional, we'll take a good look at the meaning of Jesus' words when He said, " My food is to do the will of the Father", and how we can do the work God has prepared for us this Thanksgiving and beyond. The Meaning of John 4:34 A little while back, [...]

The Blood of Jesus Luke 22:20 Devotional

Why do we talk so much about the blood of Jesus, even celebrate it? In this Luke 22:20 devotional, we'll find out why Jesus' blood is so important to us and why His sacrifice on the cross is the most important moment in human history. Nothing But the Blood of Jesus I grew up singing the [...]

By |2024-10-07T21:58:12-05:00September 5th, 2024|Bible Study Lessons, Christian Life, Fall, Jesus|Comments Off on The Blood of Jesus Luke 22:20 Devotional

He Has Delivered Us From the Power of Darkness Colossians 1:13 Devotional

In this Colossians 1:13 devotional, we're looking at a Bible verse for Halloween that's perfect for the season. This verse is a beautiful reminder of our forgiveness of sin and redemption through the blood of Jesus! It's all about Jesus rescuing us from darkness and bringing us into the Kingdom of Light. Colossians 1:13 Meaning [...]

Blessed Be Your Glorious Name Nehemiah 9:5 Devotional

In this Nehemiah 9:5 Devotional, we'll discover the power of praise and how to bless the glorious name of God in our everyday lives. ​ I love to reflect on the radiant light of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In quiet moments I’m reminded of His endless love and grace, which never cease to amaze me. [...]

In the Land of the Living Psalm 27:13 Devotional

In this Psalm 27:13 devotional, we'll see how God's goodness surrounds us and gives us hope in the land of the living. What is the meaning of Psalm 27:13? We all have times when we want to give up. When it seems like nothing good will ever happen again, or like all is lost no matter [...]

Heartwarming Bible Verses for Fall

Each of these Heartwarming Bible Verses for Fall stands on its own. But they are also a great jumping-off point for a new Bible Study, a wonderful start to creating a seasonal bulletin board at church, or a way to teach the children in your life a new memory verse. Whatever your reason for searching for [...]

By |2024-08-28T10:15:52-05:00August 28th, 2024|Bible Verses, Christian Life, Fall, Thanksgiving|3 Comments

The Beauty of Autumn Leaves Galatians 6:9 Devotional

In this Galatians 6:9 devotional we’ll see the beauty of autumn leaves and learn how to not grow weary in doing good. It seems like a tall order to accomplish in one short Bible study, but with God’s help, we’ll see how in due season to reap the benefits of a life well-lived if we do not lose heart. [...]

By |2024-08-24T17:13:59-05:00August 24th, 2024|Bible Study Lessons, Fall, Thanksgiving|1 Comment

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? Matthew 5:14-16 Devotional

In this Matthew 5:14-16 devotional, we'll explore the pressing question Christian circles are abuzz with this time of year: Should Christians celebrate Halloween? Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? This question seems to come from uncertainty about what this holiday actually is and what it means to those who celebrate it. For some, Halloween’s origins are shrouded in [...]

By |2024-10-19T19:23:47-05:00August 22nd, 2024|Bible Study Lessons, Christian Life, Fall|4 Comments

Finding Confidence Through the Fear of the Lord Proverbs 14:26 Devotional

The book of Proverbs is often said to be an instruction manual for life. The knowledge within its pages amounts to a great deal of practical advice and old-fashioned common sense.  In this Proverbs 14:26, we'll explore the meaning of this scripture about the fear of the Lord and the wisdom it produces in the life of a [...]

Because You Have Set Your Love Upon Me Psalm 91:14 Devotional

In this Psalm 91:14 Devotional, we'll discover the promise of God’s unending love and protection, all because you have set your love upon Him.   What is the meaning of Psalm 91:14? Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known [...]

Restful Bible Verses for Labor Day

This devotional, Restful Bible Verses for Labor Day will help you find inspiration during the daily grind of your nine to five. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and dig into the Word of God this Labor Day! The first Monday of September in the United States is a federal holiday. Labor Day is the time we set [...]

By |2024-07-30T10:05:55-05:00August 12th, 2022|Bible Verses, Christian Life, Fall|Comments Off on Restful Bible Verses for Labor Day
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