If you’re looking for some great scriptures for Halloween, you’ve come to the right place!

This verse is about comparing the acts of the wicked with those of someone who trusts in God. A perfect topic to discuss this time of year.

Many sorrows shall be to the wicked;
But he who trusts in the Lord, mercy shall surround him.

Psalm 32:10 NKJV

Psalm 32:10 speaks to how the wicked will not have God’s help when they are in need and will feel sorrowful because of it.

But the person who trusts in the Lord will have mercy when they find themselves in a similar situation.

When I read this or other scriptures for Halloween, I ask myself,…Which category do I want to be in? The wicked or the one who trusts in God?

For me, the answer is simple, but not always easy to live up to. I want to have mercy and grace, so I choose to follow God and His will.

I know, it’s easier said than done sometimes. But you can never go wrong when you follow God and allow His will to prevail in your life!

The Psalms are full of different comparisons between the wicked and the godly. Each one is a testament to how God protects and provides for His children. I encourage you to look them up and discover new ways to live a godly life and experience God’s love and protection this Halloween and year-round.

Plus… Print this Psalm 32:10 Free Printable Scriptures for Halloween

Use it for fun Halloween wall decor or tie to trick or treat bags!

To download this printable scripture,  just click on the picture.

The PDF will appear on a new screen.

And you’ll be able to print it.

I recommend printing on high-quality 8×10 paper.

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Scriptures for Halloween Psalm 32:10

Halloween Bible Studies from Master’s Hand Collection

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