
Righteousness Will Go Before Him Psalm 85:13 Devotional

In this Psalm 85:13 Devotional, we'll discover the beauty of God’s righteousness and the way it prepares a path for His people. Psalm 85 is a prayer for restoration and deliverance, and verse 13 gives us a hopeful conclusion, where righteousness goes before the Lord, preparing the way for His steps. This verse reflects the very essence [...]

Grateful Bible Verses for Thanksgiving

In this devotional, we'll read the very best Bible Verses about Thanksgiving to prepare our hearts for the coming holiday season! Each one will fill you with gratitude for all God has done in your life this year! There are a lot of Bible Verses for Thanksgiving! Not the American holiday as we see it today, [...]

By |2024-09-10T13:32:40-05:00September 5th, 2024|Bible Verses, Thanksgiving|1 Comment

Calming Bible Verses about Peace

Have you ever wondered… What is peace in the Bible? Or, what does the Bible say about having peace in hard times? These Calming Bible Verses about Peace will answer the question, what is peace in the Bible? And they will show you how to find peace in God when you need it the most.   Encouraging Scriptures [...]

By |2024-07-26T22:11:03-05:00January 25th, 2024|Bible Verses|Comments Off on Calming Bible Verses about Peace

Golden Bible Verses for St. Patrick’s Day

In this devotional, we'll read some Golden Bible Verses for St. Patrick’s Day and discover the true meaning of this fun holiday! For most of us, St. Patrick’s Day is a time for family and friends to gather in celebration of all things Irish (and in case you don’t already know… everyone is Irish on St. [...]

By |2024-08-10T16:28:08-05:00March 4th, 2023|Bible Verses, Spring|0 Comments

Bible Verses for Spring that will Renew Your Spirit

Do you wonder… What does God say about Spring in the Bible? These Bible Verses for Spring that will Renew Your Spirit will tell you exactly what this season means for nature and for you! Spring is in full bloom! It’s a beautiful season of renewal in nature. The trees are budding, and the flowers are peeking out. [...]

By |2024-07-27T19:27:11-05:00January 19th, 2023|Bible Verses, Spring|Comments Off on Bible Verses for Spring that will Renew Your Spirit

Strong Bible Verses for Father’s Day

In this devotional, we're celebrating the strength of our relationship with both our Heavenly Father and earthly Dad with these Strong Bible Verses for Father's Day! Father’s Day is the time we set aside to honor the man we call Dad. His strength and encouragement are paramount in our lives. And no matter how old we get, he’s [...]

By |2024-07-30T14:47:39-05:00June 1st, 2022|Bible Verses, Christian Life, Summer|Comments Off on Strong Bible Verses for Father’s Day

Courageous Bible Verses for Memorial Day

Are you wondering… What is a good Bible Verse for Memorial Day? In this devotional, we’ll read some Courageous Bible Verses for Memorial Day and learn how the sacrifice of our veterans is a mirror image of our Savior Jesus Christ. Memorial Day is a special time in the United States when we celebrate both the fallen soldier [...]

By |2024-07-30T14:58:41-05:00April 21st, 2022|Bible Verses, Christian Life, Summer|Comments Off on Courageous Bible Verses for Memorial Day
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