Welcome to the home of Christian Artist Master’s Hand Collection!
Are you looking for God’s hand in your life? Wondering how you can find it?
The art of Master’s Hand Collection is all about helping you see God’s hand right where you are, even in the middle of this mess we call life. This Bible Verse art unites American Sign Language with beautiful images of nature and inspirational scripture.
I’ve lovingly created it to inspire and encourage you in your walk with Jesus. When you view my art, I want you to see God’s hand reaching out to you, lifting you up, and carrying you through.

Why Sign Language?
My goal as an artist is to show God’s hand to everyone who needs a little grace in their life! And who doesn’t need some grace every now and then? Amen?!
I created this artwork to encourage all Christians in their walk with Jesus and to bring the gospel to those are not saved in a unique way.
When you view my artwork, I want you to see God’s hand reaching out for you!
I want you to feel the deep love He has for you.
And I want your relationship with Him to flourish.
Even though the art of Master’s Hand Collection focuses on signing, you don’t have to be deaf to enjoy the art of sign language! You might even be surprised to know I’m not deaf, just called to a specific purpose.
Since I began this artistic journey, God has shown me a need to share the gospel with the deaf community. In fact, only two percent of deaf people worldwide have “heard” the good news of Jesus. That is why I am committed to donating 10% of profits from the sale of Master’s Hand Collection artwork to charities that are sharing the love of Jesus with the deaf.
I pray this art will make a real impact for the Kingdom of God! And together we will turn that sad two percent number into one hundred percent of deaf people who have “heard” the gospel!
But most of all, I pray you will experience God’s hand in your life today!