
The Shield of Your Salvation Psalm 18:35 Devotional

In this Psalm 18:35 Devotional, we'll discover the meaning of this verse and why we can have complete confidence in God's provision. This powerful scripture is a reminder of how God equips us for the battles we face in life, offering His shield of salvation and lifting us up in times of need. As we reflect on [...]

Inscribed on the Palms of My Hands Isaiah 49:16 Devotional

In this Isaiah 49:16 devotional, we’ll explore the deep meaning behind this comforting scripture and how it transforms our understanding of God’s love and care for us. This verse is one of the most powerful expressions of God’s affection toward His people, and it speaks volumes about our close relationship with Him. The Meaning of [...]

How to Count It All Joy James 1:2 Devotional

Life is hard! But in this James 1:2 Devotional, we'll see God's hand guiding us during the hard times and discover how to "count it all joy" in the midst of difficulty. ​​ What does James 1:2 mean? My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, ​knowing that the testing of your [...]

The Lord Has Done Great Things Psalm 126:3 Devotional

In this Psalm 126:3 devotional, we’ll explore the powerful message behind the verse and how it relates to our daily lives. We’ll dive into the meaning of the psalmist’s words, reflecting on the great things the Lord has done for us, even in the middle of life’s challenges. We’ll also discover how God’s hand is always at [...]

Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving Psalm 100:4 Devotional

In this Psalm 100:4 devotional, we'll explore what it means to enter His gates with thanksgiving and how to praise God with a grateful heart this holiday season. What is the meaning of Psalm 100:4? Enter his gates with thanksgiving     and his courts with praise;     give thanks to him and praise his [...]

Psalm 18:33 Devotional

He makes my feet like the feet of deer, And sets me on my high places. Psalm 18:33 NKJV Habakkuk 3:19 tells us... The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills. This Bible Verse from Habakkuk 3 is about finding strength in God when the future looks unsure, and [...]

By |2024-12-07T10:25:04-06:00May 2nd, 2019|Free Printable Bible Verse Art|0 Comments
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